Chapter 30

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We get to science, and then sit down. I sit with Jordan and Haiden, and another boy sits down diagonal from me, so infront of Jordan, beside Haiden, and I guess he knows Haiden because they chat a little. He gives me a happy look, and then the teacher gets out attention.

"Okay class! Welcome back from the holidays! We've got a new student this term, so how about we start things off with an ice-breaker game? Let's stand in a circle" She instructs. We all walk over to an open space and stand in a circle. "Okay. So heres the game. I'm going to pick one person and ask them a question about themself. After that person answers, they ask someone else a different questons. The game continues untill everyones been asked at least two questions. The rules are, the questions can not be innaporopriate, offensive, or too personal. Lets begin with our new student. Stacey, who do you live with?" She asks. Right off the bat, a question about my family. I don't know why its such a touchy topic with me, I just don't know how people will react when they find out my family is youtube famous. Im kind of assuming its not that big a deal since not too many people recognize me.

"Umm... I live with my adoptive father and his friends" I say. I get a few odd looks. I guess thats not a normal thing? "uhh, Jordan. Do you have any pets?" I ask, quickly taking the attention off me, but it doens't last long. After a few more people, someone asks me another question. It's from a girl named Heather.

"What's the names of the people in your family? First and last" She says. I guess she maybe recognizes me, but doesn't know for sure.

"My dad's name is Ricky Dillon... and we live with Kian Lawley, Jc Caylen, and sometimes Sam Pottorff and Trevor Moran" I say, nervously. A few other girls giggle.

"Yeah sure you do.." A girl mutters. Her name is Amara. I look towards her, and she pretends to act apologeticaly. I already don't like her.

"Settle down class" The teacher says.

"Hey Stacey, you hang with Tyler oakley and eat lunch with Connor Franta?" Amara's says louder in a mocking tone.

"Yes, I do" I say, honesty. A bunch of people laugh. "What? Its true!" I say, which only makes them laugh more. Why do they not believe me? I feel so emberassed and foolish. I feel a tear start to form, as the teacher tries to settle them down. I really don't like Amara. The teacher ends the game, and immediatley starts the lesson after that. Jordan tries to comfort me throughout the class, but I still feel bad. Haiden and that other kid, whos name is Josh, also try to make me feel better. Meanwhile, Amara and her friends stare at me rudely and I can tell they're whispering about me. When class ends, I leave the classroom quickly. It's no use, though. Amara and her friends catch up to me in the hall. Jordan and Haiden are right behind them.

"Hey Stacey!" Amara says. I stop and turn towards her. "Haha, what fantasy do you live in? LIving with O2L? We all wish! You can't get away with lying like that" She says.

"Its true! I don't know why you don't believe me!" I say.

"Haha, sure" Her friend, Leah, says.

"I can even have Trevor back me up" I argue. Im getting less sad and more angy, to be honest.

"Sure, sweetheart" Amara says, and then they strut away.

"Bitches" Jordan mutters, as she comes up to me. I let a tear slip down my cheek, as Jordan wraps her arm around me. I never expected anyone to be that mean to me, especially on the first day! Haiden walks with Jordan and I to my next class, and then they both have to go. Luckily Valerie is in this class and Amara isn't. I sit beside her, and an empty spot. I tell her about Science class untill Socials class starts. Mid-lesson, I get an idea. I pull out my phone when the teacher isn't looking, and text someone.

Me: Hey can u and the guys pick Trev and I up? like, all of u?

Rickstar: ya sure why

Me: no reason. gtg in socials class c u after school

Rickstar: k have fun love ya

I tuck away my phone, and continue with the lesson. When school is over, I say goodbye to my new friends. They all give me their numbers, and then I sprint to my locker. Lucky for me, I notice that Amara's locker, which is right next to Leah's, is just 4 lockers away from mine. At least they're here to see this. I notice Amara is watching me as I walk up to Trevor and tap his shoulder. He spins around.

"Stacey!" He says, and pecks me on the cheek. I glance at Amara, who looks shocked and mad. I give her a wink and then turn my attention back to Trevor.

"Trevvy!" I say, and grab his hand. "Lets go, the guys are waiting for us outside" I say.

"All of them?" He asks, but I just pull him down the hall. Thankfully Amara follows us, with Leah. I guess they want to see if I was right or not. They aren't happy when they watch me run into the arms of Kian, Sam, Jc, and Ricky.

"Hey, how was school?" Ricky asks, but is interupted by a herd of girls coming at us. They all ask for hugs and photos and stuff. When they're gone, Amara and Leah walk up.

"Oh my god, it's O2L!" Amara says.

"Hi! Are you a fan?" Ricky asks.

"Yes!" Leah says, so they pose for pictures with the guys. When that's done, they walk over to me.

"So you were right" Amara says. "I don't like that. You're not cool, by the way, because you live with O2L. It does not mean your a special bitch! It just means you're a slut" Amara says. It takes all my strength not to slap her right now. They walk away with wide grins.

"What'd she say?" Kian asks.

"Nothing" I mutter. We pile into the car and then head home.

"So, as I was saying, how was school?" Ricky asks.

"It was pretty cool! I think I've already made some friends! Hey Kian, do you remember Jordan and Erika? They go to school here" I say.

"Oh ya, I remember them. We saw them at that store, right?" He says.

'yeah! I hang with them, another girl, and two other guys" I say.

"They all seemed nice" Trevor says. I smile at him. When we get home, I go straight up to my room, with Trevor following. I throw my bag on the floor and fall onto my bed.

"That Amara girl isnt nice, is she" Trevor says, walking in. I shake my head.

"But school was fun anyways" i say, cheering us both up.

"That's good" He says, lying down beside me.

"You were sweet today" I say, and turn my head ttowards him. He turns his head towards me, and then I give him a light kiss. I feel the spark inside of me, which quickly explodes into the wonderful feeling of fireworks, until we pull away and smile at each other.

"Well, I've already got homework" Trevor says, standing up. "Some stupid teacher assigned us two sheets of math as a warmup" he complains. "But when I'm done I'll be back" he says, and walks out. I go to my phone, and smile at my 6 new contacts. Jordan gave me Erika's number, too. This day wasn't that bad. Actually, I've got mixed emotions. It was my first day of school, so bad. I made some new friends, so good. I made some new enemy's, so bad. My teachers are nice, so good. The cafeteria food makes me nauseouse, so bad. Trevor is so nice to me there, so good. An equal amount of goods and bads. I think about all this as I go down and get a snack, with Jc and Sam. We talk about my day a bit more, and I ask them about theirs, and I just relax.

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