5:101 reasons why you should not stay past work hours

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"JEON JEONGGGUK SHUT THE HELL UP!!" taehyung tugged jeonggguk's wrist, wincing at the high shrill pitch banshee screaming


"will you cut it out jeo-! "

" LET ME GO AH IM ONLY IN MY TWENTIES! IVE YET TO MEET CHARLIE PUSS!!" jeongguk kept screaming, digging his heels in the carpet, trying to break free taehyung's steely grasp off him.

Taehyung sighed his patience snapping and knocked jeonggguk hard on his forhead, "LISTEN here for a second will you!!? "

"......owwiee" jeongguk blinked his eyes their seems almost bursting with tears

" Seriously, im not going to do anything to you dumb coconut head! " Taehyung snapped and jeongguk finally stopped struggling. He gulped, his big eyes glassy and blinking rapidly. Although he stopped shaking he still kept wary.

Taehyung felt a little prick looking at the tear twinkling pathetic gaze. He shook his head smothering the feeling and dragged jeonggguk near the semi naked woman who lay was passed out soundly, gold hair spilling all over the table, her legs spread, mouth parted- jeongguk blushed and averted his eyes

" Look at her" taehyung commanded but Jeongguk shook his head quickly, hell fire burning on both cheeks

Taehyung scolded," it's not like you are the one naked here why the fuck are you feeling shy for? Do you want me fire you?

Jeongguk opened his eyes instantly.
He was till unwilling to look so he forced himself a glance.

Jeonggguk, "..."

"Good, now look at her closely, does she seems anywhere dead to you?" Taehyung asked pointing at the woman.

Jeongguk warily let his eyes fall on her. But soon after unexpectedly he gasped. except for hickeys and flushed face, the girl was alive!? Somehow, she seemed to be breathing just fine, as one would do in a sleep.

Eh what!how??

" So?"

" How..?" Jeongguk frowned and looked at Taehyung."I clearly saw you bite until her neck bled..? He was dumbstruck.

"for the purpose of survival and in order to live, we need a little of healthy blood from you humans" taehyung replied

Jeonggguk's mouth fell. Living??? Humans??

"huuuuuuuh? "

Taehyung shrugged, "since the cat is outta the bag there's no point in keeping it anymore"he flipped his sweaty hair back sighing tiredly, " heard of vampires? Yeah I'm one of them" he paused and fixed his eyes on Jeongguk,

"I'm a vampire jeon. Not a human but a vampire and unlike you people, we can't and don't eat human meals or food". He replied, suddenly grave, all traces of mirth and humor lost.

There was a complete drop of silence as Taehyung's eyes gleamed like fiery silver emaralds, expectantly anticipating for his secretary's reactions.

Would he faint? Scream More? Be terrified taehyung mused to himself, lips curling up

jeongguk took in the gravity of his words, his face a complete stupefied blank

He says a vampire... A genuine vampire Huh? Of all things? he looked at taehyung with wary trepidation, a definite conclusion solidifying in his mind.

Poor guy.. all the blood role-playing he's been doing so far has muddled up his mind surely, and he thinks he's a vampire lol. Taehyung was not only a physco gore bdsm sadist Hentai but ... He was demented and derange as well... If only jeongguk would make out alive.. he will make sure this guy is kept as far as possible away from society. It'd be a hassle to arrange medical help and dispose of him without attracting enquiries and curiosities but jeonggguk has to take in account the president's, director joon's and the company's reputation too.

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