8: Tsundere in denial

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Jeongguk stood patiently infront of the dispenser. He punched in buttons for a banana milk pack while indulging in small talk with his colleagues. There was only one vending machine in the entire floor and it was partly obsecured from open view, given its location at the far end of the hallway. Thus making it the unofficial hangout hotspot for employees who liked to linger and exchange bits over Caffeine. One could get the most of internal gossips and rumors during filler breaks like these before the lunch hour strikes

The gossip association was especially very energetic today. The circle was a tad bit larger thanks to the presence of even those workers who usually didn't like to stick around for chit chat. Well, It wasn't all that surprising, afterall the hot topic of today's speculation involved the recent joint meeting that had transpired some time earlier presided by director taehyung's and namjoon's father, the president of kim corporations and his supposedly amoral and overambitious brother who assumed the post of vice president but was known much more infamously for always being at odd heads with the president. Today's board meeting was once again no exception to his unfriendly attitude and behaviour.

A female assistant secretary blew steam off her tea," the vice president isn't even trying to hide his goals anymore at this point! you'd think the rumor about him wanting to start an anti establishment party within the company against his own brother might actually be true"

Another worker remarked pensively, "he is always Opposing and making cutting statements against the president's management policies,"

Jungkook reflected while sipping his banana milk, " vice president wouldnt be so abrasive and obvious about his intentions if he wasn't so confident
about his social stability or some sort of solid backing. I bet there's someone whose decided to profit off the rift between these brothers and egging him on"

" im about to shoot my arrows in the dark and say the person who's going to get the most out of these siblings's fued is manager baek il song" someone supplied

A collective string of ahh followed with a few even nodding in agreement. "oh my god you're absolutely correct miss kwon, i heard manager baek il song mutter complaints again and he was suppperr enthusiastic while talking to vice president after the meeting today, i always see them leave for dinner conferences together" one of the secretaries who was near jeongguk said with great emotion.

Another one addressed her sufferings," you dont say, its the same when im waiting on him. He always makes a point to humiliate the workers and pass snarky comments about the president. What a lout"

Before they could add more to the list of grievances , a love struck miss sung sighed softly " ahh this reminds me, at the last board meeting i had eye contacts with both the kim brothers"

"omg, how did your legs not feel weak!" as if someone had sparked the air, all the female employees became excited while the male officers began to disperse away with dejected heaves and droopy shoulders accepting they wouldn't be needed anymore atleast now for....some time.

"my my the brothers sure are soooo dreamy, such a pity they chose corporate life over showbiz but i guess its better for us because its definitely worth all the overwork if you can get to treat your eyes to such marvelous visuals" a secretary said, waving her hand to fan her blushing cheeks. "Director joon is so tall, i can hardly ever look at him directly"

"the eyes? Miss the journey stops right at his dimples!! Its almost impossible to not get lost in them!!"

"you saw him smile too, miss song? I swear to god a smile from sir joon is enough to motivate your heart for all nighter overtimes"

"hahahahahhaa so true! Although i gotta say when he is serious he looks really intimidating unlike sir taehyung who's always elusive and menacing. people might not notice it but this sister can never not spot an eye candy humph!. Let me tell you, he is actually really drop dead gorgeous, but he's either absent or seen with habitual scowl. Its such a pity he gives genuine expressions so rarely"

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