9:This secretary reminds you of cockroaches ?

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As frost in the air slowly starts to descent and glimmering lights dance in the chilly streets, December arrives, bringing with it a sense of magical anticipation everywhere in the city.

Seoul is adorned with crimson red and green decorations, sparkling star shaped lights and misteltoles. mariah carey's Christmass hits in 7-11s stores are loud enough to be heard even on the streets outide where huge decorated fir trees draw the attention of the passerbyes.

December, once again, a time when joyful gatherings with loved ones become frequent. In this enchanting month, anything feels possible, as dreams and wishes flutter in the air along with snowflakes.

Or so, was the case.... That is,

outside director kim taehyung's office room...

A small cloud of smoke assaulted jeongguk's nostrils as he stood infront of his ill- tempered employer.

Already Habituated with the scowling eyebrows and glares that were directed towards him, jeongguk simply ignored them and continued on with his oration, not before pettily hacking out a couple of miserable coughs at his boss.
" you have recieved an invitation from samjoong limited for an evening party on the 15th and on 17th there is this christmas event in lotte atelier..."

taehyung's glare became uglier but jeongguk paid him no heed." and lastly an invite has arrived for a charity event on the 24th-" he broke off as taehyung stopped him with a raised hand, "im not going to any. reject all of them" he spoke a dour expression twisting his exquisite features.

"who the hell decided that we need to incorporate christmas events in business like these??" taehyung snapped angrily puffing out rings after rings of smoke.

Jeongguk smiled ruefully, " festive events are useful in expanding connections sir" he replied,  But taehyung simply rolled his eyes. He reached out for a stray plain white envelope and Unceremoniously ripped its seal off.

" a charity event on the 24th? This is so unnecessary and pretentious. Why have meetings and conferences if parties were needed for contracts" taheyung scanned the contents of the invite before flinging it off to his tableside bin.

" err, its the one i was just about to speak of" jeongguk glanced at the sorry card thrown amidst the trash before looking up, "its supported by the Congressman seon keung this time. All big enterprises and companies are anxious for a pass because apparently major figures are expected to attend." he said. Seeing no change in the latter's angry face jeongguk tried again, " ofcourse the president and director namjoon would be attending too so you-"

"like i give a damn. It's all a bunch of nonsense" taehyung spat, throwing the words out with a cold shrug. He got up and turned his back on jeongguk. " send a response to the RSVP ones and ignore the rest invites. Also dont fix any meetings until i say otherwise. Soon i shall start working from my place so make the necessary arrangements for that"

A small sigh escaped past jeongguk's lips and he shut the memo diary in his hands. While the whole world was getting more and more excited about the arrival of christmass, jeongguk's boss seemed to  become more and more sullen.

Jeongguk stole a quick glance at taehyung who was currently half sitting half leaning back against the edge of his desk as he smoked. He had a displeased look on his face, his frown unbudging as if all these talk on christmass and partying gave him a headache. Which jeongguk suspected might actually be the case.

After all, taehyung was a vampire.

Although christmass in korea wasn't as much orthodoxically steeped and tied to religious sanctity as was in the west despite the considerably large population of converts in the country but an even larger population of atheism might be the major reason behind the festival's less religious importance and more on Sentimental enjoyment. But even still, maybe it was rough for taehyung.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13 ⏰

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