Unwanted Daughter - 22

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Picture is not mine. Some brilliant artist managed to capture a young Viggo. I like it!

Calico's wingbeats were smooth and quick as she effectively came down toward the sea stack. Before landing, she hovered a moment and dropped her burden. Hiccup grunted as he hit the ground, not expecting it because of his blindfold. Rayne didn't feel too bad; Calico had gotten within several feet of the ground before dropping. She couldn't actually set him down because of her wings, the downstroke nearly touching the grass as it was. Once Hiccup was no longer in her grasp, though, she heavily crashed down beside him. Heaving a sigh, she waited until Rayne was off before shaking. Rayne pulled her small dagger from her belt, slashing through Hiccup's bonds easily. He ripped the blindfold off himself, angrily spouting off something to which Rayne didn't listen. Her eyes were fastened in the distance, latched onto something that drew her curiosity.

Hiccup trailed off, watching as the girl suddenly made a few signs to her attentive dragon. The beautiful creature perked up, staring in the direction indicated. She narrowed her eyes, trying to see through the cloudless sky better. A moment later, she turned back to Rayne with an expression that her rider seemed to recognize.

The auburn-haired easily slid into the leather saddle. Her dragon was small enough to not crouch for her rider. Rayne offered Hiccup a forced smile. "Your friends are coming." she tersely said. The little tri-colored spread her wings.

"Wait!" Hiccup blurted out. Obviously irritated, the girl glanced back. "You're Rayne, right?"

She stiffened, "Call me Solaris."

As if reading her mind, Hiccup explained, "I heard Viggo call you Rayne."

Rayne gave a curt nod. With an unseen signal, her dragon again prepared to launch.

"What is your dragon?" Hiccup couldn't resist. He kept his distance, though. Rayne glared at him.

"Non'yer business."

The boy grimaced. By now, his fellow dragon riders were in clear, but distant sight. He had no idea how they'd found him. He talked fast, staying the little dragon's wings for the third time.

"Whatever Krom, Viggo and Ryker are forcing you to do, you don't have to." He pressed on at the look on the girl's face. "You don't have to serve them. They could turn on you any instant and kill your dragon. You care for her, right? Look, I've seen the way you look at her. The Grimborns' will only lead to dragons' destruction, yours included. They'll betray you. Don't serve them. You have a choice."

She never looked at him, her voice cold. "You're wrong."

His heart crashed. He had been sure he saw doubt and hope flickering on her face, but it had vanished beneath an impassive mask.

"I don't have a choice. I would rather be with somebody who captures dragons than one who maims them." She spat. Her dragon crouched, on the verge of leaving. At the last moment, she turned, meeting his gaze. "And Viggo would never betray me."

The dragon shot upwards, going in her trademark swirl as she gained height. Leveling off far overhead, they caught a strong wind current oceanward. 

The gang's arrival surprised Hiccup. He had been so engrossed with Rayne, or Solaris, that he hadn't noticed them closing in.

"Hiccup! You're safe!" Astrid lept off Toothless, who beat the blonde in getting to Hiccup. As soon as a quick greeting had been exchanged, Astrid took charge. "Here, take Toothless. They haven't gotten far!"

Hiccup shook his head. "I can't. They're gone." He turned his eyes in the direction they'd gone. The little dragon's white, brown, and dark red blended into the shifting ocean and sky, making it nearly impossible to see them. Hiccup turned back to his riders, who were hanging on his every movement. "Let's head back. I have a lot to tell you."

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