First Battle - 25

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Dedicated to schmidt2020, who appears to have found this story (along with the vote button :)

"You want me to WHAT?" Rayne stared in disbelief. Having told in the past an abbreviated, censored version of her story, she never expected Hiccup to ask her to fly into battle at his side. Lookout, yes, she'd expected that. Scout, maybe. Part of a team, unlikely. Team leader? She would have never considered the position. Nor did she want it.

"You'll come with us, leading Team B." Hiccup repeated. He had accepted Rayne into the Riders' good graces, telling her their whole plan despite Astrid's discomfort.

"What if she betrays us? She's done nothing to gain our allegiance. She was WITH the hunters just a short while ago."

"I know," Hiccup had grimaced. "We'll keep a sharp lookout. We'll know where the leak is if Krom suddenly knows our plan. But I highly doubt she is still with them. We rescued her practically dead. You can't mistake such injuries. Besides, we can use this as a test for her loyalty."

Astrid regretfully shook her head, but when the meeting came, she had Hiccup's back. She also wanted to be sure Rayne was true with the riders. She wanted to believe the loner girl.

Rayne's injuries had mostly healed in the two months she'd been staying at Dragon's Edge. However, she felt a twinge of phantom pain in her arm as she thought about flying for several hours straight. Half a year ago, she would have lept at the chance. Now, she hesitated. Nevertheless, she had gracefully accepted when Hiccup asked for her help. Despite her misgivings about going into battle against her brother, she readily took part in the discussions, occasionally putting in a helpful word.

However, when Hiccup informed her she would be leading the secondary team, consisting of Astrid and the twins, she balked.

"Why isn't Astrid leading?" She argued. "She knows this stuff better than I do."

Hiccup ignored her. "Consider it a test of faith." He suggested. He turned his attention to his own team, which included the rest of the Riders: Snotlout, Heather, and Fishlegs.

"Ok, you all know the plan?"

"I don't have any fighting skills!" Rayne wailed, "All that I know, I picked up by spying on people who appeared to know what they were doing!"

"You'll do fine," Hiccup encouraged, "You have a bond with your dragon, which is what counts. Everyone know their part?" He repeated.

Everyone nodded solemnly, except for Rayne, who was sulking. Hiccup grinned. "Great! We'll make an early start tomorrow. Meet at the hanger at dawn."

Groans came from around the room. Snotlout tossed his head. "I need my beauty sleep," he moaned. Hiccup shrugged, walking out from the Club House. Toothless wandered after him, yawning. Astrid shot Snotlout a sour look.

"I don't think any amount of sleep could help you." She wrinkled her nose.

Tuff snickered. Snotlout looked offended. He opened his mouth to retort, but Heather cut him off.

"I'm going to bed." She left in her usual, silent manner. Snotlout glared after her.

"You ruined my moment of revenge!" He grumbled under his breath.

Rayne silently rose, stalking out. As she reached the door, she waved a hand sign over her shoulder before vanishing in the dark. Tuffnut's eyes widened.

"Whoa! I bet she cursed us!" He sounded much too excited to have ever been actually cursed.

Ruff's eyes mimicked her brother's. "She was a witch all along! Traitor!"

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