Calico - 2

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Dedicated to @Sophielynn03, who inspired me to write this.

Too frightened to do anything besides a little squeak, Rayne simply clutched the nearest leg. She pressed her head against the dragon's chest, squeezing her eyes shut.

After reaching what felt like hundreds of feet, the calico leveled off. She peeked under her at Rayne. Apparently seeing the absolute terror on the girl's face, the calico stopped, hovering in place.

Rayne relaxed slightly. She very carefully turned enough to look down. With a little squeal, she grabbed the dragon tighter, hugging her for her life. Oh my, Thor! Odin help me! I'm gonna die! The dragon spread her wings, coasting across the island.

Rayne finally managed to get herself to open her eyes again. She looked around, being careful not to do anything to upset the paws securely holding her. Gradually, she began to relax. Calico was flying fine, and Rayne hadn't fallen to her death yet. She took a shaky breath, loosening her hold on the dragon's arm slightly.

Calico slanted her wings downward, letting herself drop slowly toward the ground. Right before touching down, she dropped Rayne, then landed beside her. Instead of letting the girl collapse in nervous exhaustion, she gently dragged her to her feet and shoved her forward with her forehead. Rayne ducked as she was urged into a low cave. The darkness closed in around them. There was a clicking sound, seemingly coming from Calico. The only sound was the patter of feet and the echoing drip-drip of water somewhere.

A sharp snarl caused Calico to hesitate, then shove past Rayne and boldly continue. Confused, Rayne carefully followed the sound of her claws hitting against the stone floor. Finally, they stopped. The silence was broken by several sharp clicks, then nothing. Because of the sheer darkness surrounding her, Rayne couldn't see anything. She said as much too, almost feeling sheepish for talking to an animal, but from what she'd seen, dragons were intelligent. Her hopes were confirmed when light dawned in the cave.

Rayne slowly moved forward, up to Calico's shoulder. The calico turned to look at her, and Rayne realized she had her mouth open, letting her fire glow in her mouth to provide light. She made a crooning sound. A moment later, the darkness really lit up.

Rayne gasped, pressing against the only dragon she knew.

Dragons surrounded her, all with curious eyes behind their open mouths, a low glow emitting from each. Rayne's eyes lept from one to another, noting they all seemed to be the same kind, although varying in color and size. A black and white dragon stepped out from the others. He nuzzled Rayne. She held her breath, not daring to move.

Finished examining the visitor, the slightly larger dragon turned to the calico. From there, proceeded a conversation in growls, croons, and soft rumbles. Rayne stood speechless. One by one, the dragons were getting bored and shutting their mouths, progressively dimming the cave. The calico reached around and took a piece of Rayne's sleeve in her mouth, gently tugging. Rayne hesitantly obeyed, following the pack of dragons as they led her deeper into the cave.

After she stumbled several times in the darkness, Calico indicated that Rayne should get on her by ducking under the girl's legs and lifting her up. Hesitantly, Rayne wrapped her legs around the calico's neck.

"Can you see in the dark?" She whispered. Her answer was several sharp clicks. She felt Calico's ears prick, and she moved her hands to allow the dragon to listen. The calico started walking, occasionally clicking, then listening. Ahead and behind them, different pitches of clicks could be heard at random intervals. Rayne was puzzled but accepted whatever was happening. Presently, Calico's swift walk slowed. She let out a questioning croon. A dim light showed that they were now in a large chamber.

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