Kidnap - 21

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"The dragon can only fly because of the pedal and fin..." Rayne mused. "So it would stand to reason, if the pedal wasn't being operated, the dragon would crash." Her eyes lit up. "I'll get him!" Her proclamation caused silence around the table. Krom was bending over a map, explaining something, but now he was staring at her. Rayne suddenly felt a flash of her resentment at the group, but her hatred of Hiccup overcame it and she stood resolute.

"You?" Ryker sneered. "You can't swing an axe, much less force somebody against their will."

Rayne carefully held her temper. "I can't, but Calico can." Seeing she had the Grimborns' interest, she continued, "A Storm Chaser is faster in speed and agility than a Night Fury. We can duck down, grab Haddock, and get out of firing range. Without a rider, the Night Fury can't fly. All I have to do is find Hiccup alone. Then it'll be a simple matter of bringing him back to the ship for you." She fought to keep the bitter tone from her voice. She didn't really have a choice, and while she was being forced, she might as well help bring down the person who'd maimed a dragon for their own selfish use.

Krom shifted away from the map. Viggo looked thoughtfully at his little sister. Inside, he was grinning. She was a smart cookie! He just hoped she was smart enough to continue hiding her true identity. He had probed around his father, and discovered the man hated the daughter he'd abandoned. In fact, as far as his knowledge went, the child had died, and he wasn't the least bit sorry. Rayne didn't need to expose herself.

A loud bang drew Viggo back to the present. Krom was glowering at Ryker and Rayne, his fist planted on the wooden table. The girl darkly glared back, while Ryker got a sulky look. Rising, Rayne left the room with an angry bounce in her step. Viggo flicked his eyes between his half-brother and father. Ryker and Rayne were fighting more and more often. He didn't want to know exactly what'd they been fighting over this time.


"Quietly, Cal. We can't mess this up," Rayne murmured. She signed a few words of encouragement to the dragon, who appeared pleased. They were crouched in a hiding place, Calico's tri-color scheme perfect for blending in with the shifting ocean waves, sky, and mound of rubble that passed for a sea stack. Viggo had sent a terror mail, asking for Hiccup to come alone to meet somebody for information on the dragon hunters. He signed it 'a friend'. From the looks of the jet-black dragon speeding over the ocean, Hiccup had taken the bait. 

As they flew past, Calico detached from the sea stack and slipped into the wind. Rayne thanked the stars for a Storm Chaser's natural silence when flying. Touching on the her speed, she dashed up closer to the Night Fury. The red fin was almost underneath her, and she wondered why the black dragon hadn't noticed them until she realized Calico was carefully keeping in his blind spot. She grinned. Just as she was about to instruct Calico to snatch the unsuspecting boy, a magnesium blast hurtled past her head. Calico sharply swerved. 

An indignant roar came from Toothless as the blast clipped his wing. He didn't waver, however. Rayne took a split second to admire the tough dragon. A Storm Chaser would have at least been knocked a circle.

Twisting madly, Calico was shooting upwards. Rayne steadied her. The next instant, they were hovering suspended at the top of their short climb. Rayne's eyes flicked sideways. 

The blondie! Of course she wouldn't let Hiccup come alone.

Oh well, it was a minor inconvenience. She crouched lower to Calico, feeling their bodies practically merging together. They had been working as a unit before, but now they flew as one creature. Calico flipped herself over. Plunging downward, they gathered speed at a frightening rate. The Night Fury was directly below them. He now knew they were coming. Calico shot a quick series of bursts. One obliterated the cloth tail, another knocked Hiccup out of the saddle. The others served to cause the Night Fury to set back or fly into fire. He set back. The instant his tail lashed downwards, he realized his mistake. The tail and rider were gone, and he went down. 

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