A Pawn to Play - 14

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"Son of a half troll rat eating munge bucket!" Astrid, HTTYD 1

"You can't threaten her into staying, you know," Viggo calmly pointed out. "If she feels threatened, the instant she's clear of the ship, she'll be gone."

"What else do you propose?" Krom asked through gritted teeth. He hated having his son point out things that were true that he missed. Viggo fingered the coins in front of him.

"Make a deal." Viggo simply said. He straightened and left the room, heading for his cabin. He had been sleeping in the wheelhouse for the last couple days; since Rayne awoke.

He paused at the door, knocking. He was unused to knocking at his own cabin, but after he had walked in on Rayne while she was getting dressed one morning, he had started to.

There was no answer, and after a second knock, he timidly cracked the door. The bed was empty. Viggo let the door swing the rest of the way open. The room was empty.

The bed was slightly rumpled, but otherwise untouched. Viggo groaned to himself, shutting the door behind him. He let the constant rolling of the ship aid his walk across the cabin to his things. He had rearranged a little to allow Rayne some more room. His maces and talons game board was sitting in a corner, on a flat-topped chest. He had no idea why it hadn't slid off yet. He stared down at the game, memories of his grandfather floating through his mind. He had only met the old man after being taken by his father.

There was a hasty thump at the door, then Rayne came hurrying in. She quietly shut it, leaning her forehead against the wood to catch her breath. Viggo frowned, shifting to face her better. With a sigh, Rayne turned around. She let out a little shriek as her eyes landed on Viggo. Taken aback, he tensed. 

"Great Odin's ghost! Don't SCARE me like that!" Rayne slumped against the wall, a hand over her heart.

"Sorry?" Viggo offered. She had obviously not expected him there. He took in her fully-clothed, but well-rested appearance. She pushed away from the door, heading for the bed. A stumble at the last moment ended up with her sprawled face first into the hay-stuffed mattress. Viggo grimaced. "You're still weak," he unnecessarily stated, easily walking across the room to her, "Do you really think you ought to be cavorting about the ship just yet?"

"I wasn't converting anyone." came the muffle retort. Viggo raised an eyebrow.

"Um... No. I don't suppose you were. How old are you again?"

"Eighteen," Rayne rolled over, staring up at him with bright eyes. He stared back, noticing her right eye was lighter colored than the left. 'Odd.' "Father has a proposition for you, and I suggest you accept. It would mean safe traveling and protection for your dragon until you have both recovered."

"Great," Rayne nodded, "But if it's all the same to you, we'll be moving on as soon as Calico can keep air under her." Rayne did not feel any particular attachment to her newfound brother. She didn't even know him. Viggo sadly shook his head. He dragged a chair over, sitting down beside her as she pulled herself upright on the bed.

"You don't understand," he tried again, "If you refuse his offer today, your dragon already had a buyer arranged. It will fetch us quite a nice price, unless you can convince us that you and your dragon can help us."

Rayne stared at him. "You're blackmailing me?"

"No, no. Of course not!" Viggo lightly chuckled. Changing subject, he asked, "Where were you last night?"

"Uh, sleeping?"

"You were not supposed to answer that with a question. You were with your dragon all night, weren't you?"

I Have a Dragonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें