Cannibal Dragon - 4

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So, I'm going to call these dragons by their rightful names occasionally, because it gets too confusing to say "the dragon" all the time. Despite this, Rayne does NOT know their names yet.

Calico didn't slow her snarling. The littler dragon showed none of the hostility. Instead, it cocked its head, licking its lips. It took a step forward. Rayne took a step back. Calico refreshed her snarl, spreading her wings wider. Rayne dubiously glanced at the calico.

"Uh... it doesn't look that dangerous...does it?"

Calico suddenly broke concentration, her head whipping up to look at the trees to their right. In the next instant, she flipped Rayne on her back and lept into the tunnel. Just in time, too. Balls of fire landed right where the duo had been standing a moment earlier. Calico stopped, hidden in the darkness, and turned to look back. Rayne shifted her seat, gazing at the bright, melted puddle of fire.

"Wow, uh... definitely more dangerous than it looked." She mused, drawing a snort from Calico.

One of the small dragons was slowly walking into the cave. Calico sent a burst of bright blue fire in his direction. She spun and sent another, smaller blast down the tunnel toward the chamber. Rayne laid down against the calico's scales when she felt her head nearly hit the low ceiling. Calico sent a few more shots towards the advancing dragons, but it only slowed them slightly.

A presence on Rayne's right side drew her attention. At the particular spot they were, three dragons could fit abreast. However, this one slipped past and crouched in front of Calico, her back to the attackers. When they shot their bright yellow-orange flames, the dragon in front rose up, spreading her wings to protect all those behind her. As soon as the barrage was over, she flattened again. Only now did Rayne notice the dragon on either side of her. She gingerly drew up her legs a little.

Together, the three dragons fired at their attackers. They all aimed at the same dragon, and their combined firepower threw it backward. It growled but retreated. A few moments later, the other two followed, although not without a parting shot. The Silencer in front again raised her wings to block it. Rayne was puzzled as Calico led the way back to the chamber.

Sure, it was smart to combine their shots for a bigger impact, but why the dragon in front to take the fire? They walked into the room, and Rayne's eyes automatically swept to make sure that all the Silencers were there. Her eyes lingered on a familiar red-and-brown dragon, a bit older looking than the others. The horrible burn scar across one of his eyes was grotesque in the torch-light, as usual. Rayne frowned. She slid off Calico and sat down the better to think.

Maybe the front dragon took the fire to protect the others' eyes? It would make sense. The front one was blocked with its wings, which could take fire and be alright. A dragon's eyes, if they were anything like a human, were fragile, and easily burnt.

Rayne grinned to herself, but soon her expression drooped. She moved to lean against her moody dragon. So the Silencers were staying hidden in this crepuscular hole because of the tinier dragons outside? "It makes no sense!" Rayne frustratedly grimaced. She rose, taking the torch from its place and going down the tunnel. Calico rose to follow, but Rayne shook her head and motioned for the dragon to lie back down. She obeyed without protest. Obviously, she hadn't really been excited about following her dumb human into danger again.

Rayne continued on. Reaching the entryway, she put out her torch and stuck it in a niche in the rocks. She could use it when she came back.

She peered outside cautiously. She may have only known dragons for three months, but she had trained to be a warrior before that. She knew how to watch for enemies, stay silent, and scout. She wanted to see if these teenie dragons were really the cause of the Silencers' fear. Slipping out of the tunnel, she began her mission. Find the ugly little dragons, see what was so terrifying about them, and formulate a plan to counter them.

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