Shipwreck - 1

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The girl laid still, staring out at the waves that came rushing up the sand toward her. Right before they touched her feet, she glared at them. In submission, the wave backed down and drifted into the ocean again. She sighed, ignoring as the next wave washed up, nearly touching her before sliding away. The tide was coming in. She didn't feel like moving, though. The sand was warm and comfortable, and for once, her head wasn't aching. She dropped back, closing her eyes.

She had done this every day, all day, since the wreck. As soon as she felt well enough to walk and work a bit, she had scraped together a shelter. Although her friend had been protecting her, she didn't want to rely on her, just in case she didn't come one time. Once the shelter was finished, it only took a few days, she had just laid there on the beach, staring at the sky. There was really nothing else to do. Her injuries prevented her from exploring the island like she wanted to. The feeling was something she wasn't used to.

She had been born and raised a Viking for all her fourteen years. She wasn't used to this helpless feeling that she'd had since the wreck. Actually, since the beginning of the storm.

The waves began nibbling at her heels. She reached down and tugged her boots off, laying them aside. The cold water stung but felt good in contrast to the warm sun.

Turning her head, Rayne checked her right side, where she couldn't see. Not only had the accident taken her parents, but it had also claimed half her eyesight. Even two weeks after, Rayne was hoping she would somehow get it back. Yet subconsciously, she knew that wasn't going to happen.

With a soft sigh, she relaxed into the sand. Her eyes got lower and lower until sleep managed to drag her under.

She was back on the ship, feeling the pounding of the waves against the flimsy wood hull. Suddenly, there were screams. Her mother came past, shouting something through the water. Rayne tried calling back, but she could only whisper. She fought against the waves that were slowly crushing the ship. They forced her down, leering at her as they shoved her into darkness. Her screams faded away into echoing nothing. Opening her eyes, she saw nothing. She could hear, however. Her father was calling her, but she couldn't see him. She was totally blind. The ice-cold water gripped her, pulling at her. A face reared up from the waves, flashing it's mocking smirk. It reached out, wrapping freezing, icy talons around her legs and inching up towards her waist.

"Blind orphan!"

Rayne shot upright with a gasp, followed by a moan as the sudden movement sent a burst of pain through her head. She whimpered, drawing up her knees and cradling her head in her arms. Looking through her arms at the sand, she was surprised to see the waves were lapping at her waist. With a shudder, she awkwardly lurched to her feet and moved away from the water. Her balance was not the flawless ease it used to be. Apparently, losing an eye meant losing her balance and depth perception. Two very important things for a warrior.

Standing upright, Rayne groggily blinked several times to try and clear her sight from sleep. She was wet from the waist down and had no changes of clothes, but she knew the sun would dry her eventually. It always had.

She turned and began slowly making her way up the beach. She had never known how much she used her right eye. She stumbled and fell to her knees over a small mound of sand, which she'd been entirely unable to see. Getting back up, she determinedly stared down at the mound. Nothing happened. It looked flat, just like everything else. However, having just tripped over it said contrary. She scrunched her face up, willing herself not to cry. She had done enough of that the first couple days on the island.

There was a soft thump behind her. The nightmare was swept from Rayne's mind, as was her recent fall. She carefully turned. "Pet!"

It really wasn't her name, but Rayne had been calling her "the calico" since they met. The small dragon gurgled happily and bounced forward. Rayne scratched behind her ears, her favorite spot. The calico purred, rubbing up against Rayne. Rayne giggled, bracing against the dragon.

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