21 - Brollins - Don't like you II

Start from the beginning

"We'll just clean you up April and then visitors can come in."

"Please can I move to another place, I don't want to be around him."

"Are you sure?"

"Very sure."

"Okay, I'll get it sorted. Sir you are staying with your son?"

"Yes, me and my wife will be looking after him."

"Me and him aren't together, we just slept together. I don't want the baby but he does, I'll sign my rights over in a month or so."

"You don't have to explain yourself to me."

The nurse finished cleaning up April then called in a porter to move her into another room, Becky was allowed in but she stayed in the hallway. She's probably nervous to meet him, I'll go get her in a minute I just want to spend some time with my son.

"What should I name you little man?"

James, no. Christopher, nah. Daniel? Maybe Daniel, I'll see what Becks thinks of it. I'll go ask her, I walk out into the corridor and see her sitting still with blood on her hands.


"Shit, Colby you scared me."

"Are you okay?"

"Yep just had a nose bleed."

"Do you wanna meet my son."


Stay open minded Becky, stay open minded.

I walk into the room and pick him up, Becky walks in and her facial expression is really hard to read.

"So do you wanna hold him?"

"Nah I'm good."

"You're kidding right."


She walked over to me and I placed him in her arms, he instantly started to cry and scream. I looked up at Becky and she looked horrified.

"Take him, I can't do this."

She handed me my newborn and ran out of the room, I carefully settled him before placing him back down. I walked out into the corridor and grabbed a nurse.

"Can you please just watch my little boy while I go find my wife?"

"Of course."

"Thank you."

I ran to the roof, to get some fresh air. To get away from it all for a minute, I don't think I can do this.

"Becky it's not worth it, we can talk about this."

I turn and see Colby behind me.

"I'm not going to kill myself, I just needed some air."

"He'll warm to you."

"I don't like him."

"What did you just say?"

"I don't like him."

"And what is that supposed to mean exactly?"

"He cried, he was ugly and he's not my child."

"Did I hear you correctly."

"He's ugly, I don't fucking like him Colby! He's your son but he's not mine."

"He's your son just as much as he is mine, what are you playing at?"

"I'm not having this kid around me, nope."

"How can you say that? Imagine if I said that about Rosie or Tommy or Sam? What would you do then?"

"But you wouldn't say that about them because they don't look like that!"

"Just get away from me?"

"Truth hurts huh?"

"Why you being such a bitch?"

"Ooh I don't know, you cheated on me and now you expect me to be mother of the year for that...thing!"

"He's my child! If you aren't going to accept that then just fucking leave."

"If you weren't such a man slag then maybe you wouldn't have a fucking vermin in that hospital."

He stopped in his tracks and didn't even move.

"Do you know what Rebecca, I thought I knew you. Turns out I knew nothing, don't you dare say another word about my son!"

"I hate him, I'm never going near him again! I can't even think why you'd want too!"

"Get away from me! I never want to see you again, leave now before I do something I'll regret a little too much."


"Don't even touch my kids, piss off now!"

She glared at me the entire time she walked across the roof to the door, I'm not going to let anyone talk bad about my son. Even if it was my wife! He's my son and nobody can be horrible to him, he's only an innocent baby and he's done nothing wrong.

1 week later...

We went home yesterday and little to my surprise all Becky's stuff was gone, I wanted to tell the kids that she was dead but I thought that might a little cruel even after everything she said. All the kids love him, we've named him Jack Daniel Lopez. The kids helped with the names, April has been round a few times just to drop stuff off for Jack. I know she wants to get to know him but I won't pressure her. I'm upset after what happened with Becky but maybe it'll be better for everyone if she's just gone, never to return ever again.

A/N: peaches504 Hope you liked it! It took me around three hours to write the chapters because I wanted them perfect for you. Yes for once Becky is the bitch in the scenario! Part three? 🧐

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