15 - Brollins - A false positive

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I walked down the stairs after a long night of sleeplessness, I walk into the living room and see Colby cooking something. I scared him when I slapped his ass.

"Becky I thought you were an intruder."

"Sorry, I was just appreciating my husbands ass."

"Well say something first please!"

"Fine I will! Whatcha making?"

"Just cheese on toast."

"Make me a slice will ya?"


I need to talk to him, I think I might be pregnant. I'm kinda scared, I'll be happy if I am but it will change my wrestling career forever. I'm at the top of my game right now, I am the man. If that changes for a baby then that's okay, It'll be good hopefully. He hands me my plate and sits opposite me, I take a bite out of my toast and then stop eating.

"You alright?"

"I think I might be pregnant..."

The toast fell out of his hand as he stared at me gobsmacked.

"I'm sorry..."

"Don't be, it's okay. I'll go out and buy you a pregnancy test after dinner."

"What if I am?"

"Then we'll figure it out together."

He quickly finished his toast and rushed out of the house, he came back not long after with a digital pregnancy test. We went upstairs and I took it, I set a timer on my phone for 5 minutes. It finally went off and I flipped the test around Pregnant I dropped it to the floor and Colby caught me in his embrace.

"Hey it's okay, me and you will be okay. In 9 months we'll have a little baby, it'll be so amazing!"

"You really think so?"

"Yeah, I'll go book a doctors appointment next Friday."

He ran off downstairs and I picked up the test again, the words pregnant just stared at me. I always wanted to plan the children I have, guess I broke a rule.

*1 week later*

We arrived at the doctors and we went inside.

"Hello Rebecca I'm nurse pendragon and I'll be doing the scan and the bloods today."

I lifted up my top and she put the cold gel on my stomach, she started searching around and her face became worried.

"Are you sure the test came back positive?"

I pulled out the pregnancy test and showed it to her.

"I'm going to do your bloods now to give me a clearer idea of what's going on."

She took my bloods and me and Colby nervously waited for the results, we heard the door and I jumped.

"I'm sorry Mr and Mrs Lopez but we believe that you got a false positive."


Tears started to stream down my face, even though I wasn't particularly keen on the idea of being pregnant to start with I fell in love with a baby that never existed. I look up at Colby and see his eyes are also filled with tears.

"It happens sometimes and I'm just sorry it's happened to you."

"Thank you Nurse Pendragon but that'll be all for today."

She nodded and left, now it was just be and Colby.

"I really wanted this kid Colb."

"Maybe we should start trying?"


I peck his lips and we leave the building.

*2 months later*

Two lines appeared and I smiled, I took another three tests just to make sure before ringing Colby.

"Becks is everything alright?"


"Do you want me to come home?"

"If you could."

He came home and ran into the living room.

"Close your eyes and put your hands out!"

He did as I asked and I placed the positive test in his hands.

"Open them."

He eyes grew wide at the test in his hands.

"For real this time?"

I show him the other three tests and he ran over to me wrapping his arms around me.

"I'm gonna be a dad!"

He kissed my forehead and I nodded, I'm gonna be a mam...

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