17 - Brollins - Anxiety

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"I can't keep having this fight with you Rebecca!"

I let my emotions over spill as I screamed in her face.


I saw the look on her face and instantly regretted saying that.

"I mean~"

"The fact that I'm an anxiety ridden fuck up who needs a little reassurance once in a while is just a fight to you?"

"But...I...Becky you~"

The tears are streaming down both of our faces, I move to take her hand and she walks away.


"Just stop I know how you feel."

She slammed the door to our bedroom leaving me all alone, I can hear her crying from in the living room. I lift myself off the couch and knock softly on the door, I get no response but I open the door anyway.


"Go away Colby."

"I'm sorry, just put yourself in my shoes I love you but having to remind you just how much I love you can be tiring and frustrating."

"I can assure you whatever I go through is ten times worse. I'm constantly scared that you don't love me the way I love you."

"Look I'm sorry I let my emotions get the best of me. I know you go through a lot and I'm sorry you have to. I don't want to argue with you."

"Colby...I need help.

"I'll help you..."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be, I love you."

"I love you too."

I slid under the covers next to her and held her close to me, I never meant to upset her but sometimes it all gets too much. For her and for me, I do love her even with everything that she brings with her.



"I love you."

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