5 - Chareigns - Murderer

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I never meant to kill him, I just meant to scare him. I wish I didn't kill him, I loved him. He was brought to me many months ago, his name Joe Anoa'i. He tried to kill one of my mafia members and I couldn't just let that slide. I kept him locked up for months and he became friends, people questioned my judgment as I began to fall in love with the man. We were perfect together, like two sides of the same coin. I would spend all my time with him which made my work sloppy and unprofessional. I was starting to lose my name in this world and I couldn't help it. Whenever I tired to make distance between us I got pulled in even further, the gang wars were starting to rile up and I took my eye off the ball. Many of my men died and I didn't even care, I was so addicted to Joe that nothing else mattered. I only became the criminal I truly am when I heard that Joe was faking it, only doing this with me to get my defences down and to let his people kill my men. I stopped spending as much time with him and focused on the wars, I wanted retribution so in a moment of pure anger and frustration I went into the enemy's head quarters and killed half of them, I only left when I got shot. On the way out I ran into the boss, she stood toe to toe with me. She could've killed me but she stuck her hand out to me.

"The Red Devil's are planning to attack us alongside the Hounds."


"Stop killing my men and team with me. They won't be expecting it."

I shook her hand and she smiled at me.

"I'm Becky, here let me tie this up."

She ripped a bit of cloth off her top and tied it around my arm.

"You'll be hearing from me soon."

I went back home and to Joe, he looked concerned that I'd been shot but I just shook it off. I planned to have some of my men interrogate him and then I would come down with an empty gun and threaten to shoot him, our plan is taking place in half an hour so I'm not gonna talk to him. Just sit and wait. When my men finally took him down I heard shouting and screaming then a gunshot followed by another. I got out of my chair and took a loaded gun down there, I stood before him. Both my men dead, gun pointed at me.

"So the son of the leader of the devils really does have some balls then."

I kept my sharp and tough facade on as I stared him down.

"You won't kill me Ashley."

"Wanna bet?"

I clicked off the safety clip and pointed the gun at him. His finger moved to the trigger he pulled it, I dived out of the way and shot him. He fell to the ground dead, but I never meant to kill him I just meant to scare him but now he's dead along with two of my men. That's why you never fall in love with the leader of an enemy gang.

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