4 - Bliss and Cross - Sick

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I went around my day just fine, it was time for me to defend my smackdown women's championship against Lacey Evans when I started to feel horrible. I stumbled out of catering and to my locker room. Nikki was inside waiting for me because she was gonna be ringside for my match. I smiled at her before I collapsed to the floor.

I rushed to her side, I could see she looked pale and sweaty. I placed my hand to her forehead and she was burning up, I moved her onto her side before leaving to go and get the trainer, I heard Lacey's music hit and knew Lexi was about it be needed. I got the trainer and we quickly came back and checked on Lexi. She was still knocked out cold, I kissed her forehead before making my way into gorilla.

"Alexa's sick, should I go out and fight Lacey?"


My music hit and the crowed seemed shocked, obviously Lacey doesn't know what's going on so I'll have to explain when I have the chance. I get to the ring and the bell gets rung, I do a double leg take down and hide my face so I can speak to her.

"Lexi's sick, she'll defend another day."

"Hope she's feeling better soon."

The match was going well when Lexi's music hit, it stopped me dead in my tracks giving Lacey time to hit me with the women's right. She got me for the three count and Lexi climbed into the ring, she looked horrible.

"That's all you've got Lacey?"

I think everyone could see how unstable she looked.

"Next Sunday at backlash~" Alexa started before crumbling down to the mat.

She collapsed into the ring and the trainers cane running out, I stayed by her side as they brought her backstage.

"She needs to rest if she wants to compete Sunday."

I nodded my head and took her back to the hotel, I stayed with her all night and held her hair back while she was sick.

"You know you don't have to do this Nik."

"Of course I do, your my girlfriend of course I'm going to look after you."

She did just that, she got everything for me and was super sweet and gentle. It's almost Sunday and I'm finally starting to feel myself again.

"Nik, thank you."

"Only doing what I'm supposed to."

"After backlash do you wanna go to Scotland?"

"Lex thought you'd never ask."

She looked so pleased with herself as she made me a cuppa, I'm gonna pay for everything because Nikki's been my rock this week.

"I love you Nik."

She dropped the cup and it landed with a smash. Have I done something wrong?

"You love me?"

"Yeah Nikki, I really do love you."

She turned around and was crying.

"Nobody's ever said that to me before."

"Well I have, cause I really do love you."

"I love you too Lexi."

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