26 - Druken Mistake - Brollins I

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Credit: GoatForLife gave the idea!
I stood on the stage accepting my award for female superstar of the year, I should feel happy, I should be bouncing off the walls with excitement but for some reason I just can't and all I do feel is as though I need a drink.

Once I finally managed to get off the stage I made my way over to the free bar and ordered a vodka and tonic, I don't even want to be here...I just want to be home. If I can't be here with him, then I don't want to at all.

I'm on my third drink when I see him walk through the doors, he's got his signature smile on his face until he spots me. I feel sick as he looks me up and down from across the room, I just turn back towards the bar and order a round of shots.

"You've had enough now, Becky let me take you home." I lifted my head off the bar and I saw Charlotte trying to pry me off my chair. "No, I'm not done." She gave me a disapproving look before trying to pull me off my chair again, my drunken mind took over and I chucked my drink at her. She screamed something in my face before storming off to find Roman. "Another please!"

Soon the evening was over and the bar started to empty, now the only two people left were me and him. He glanced at me from across the bar and I couldn't see any hate in his features, any disgust and I almost felt relief, that was until he climbed off his seat and started to walk towards me.

"Hey..." His voice was low, which for some reason was pulling me in. "Thought you'd still be here." He winked at me as he fell into the seat opposite me. "Lets have some fun!" He grabbed my hand and pulled me off my chair, walking me over to the double doors.

"I'm not sure if that is a good idea?"

"I'll buy the first round!"

"Fine then!"

He pulled me from bar to bar, club to club, until closing. It felt so good to have a night out like that with him, it's almost as though his drunken mind has blocked out all the pain I caused him and I'm honestly not complaining. It's been so good to have my husband back but I know the sun will rise and he'll forget all about this evening, I probably will too.

"Come back to mine...the kids are with my ex's mother."

I just nodded, I don't want to go back to his, I don't want this to go any further...but deep down I do, I just want to be his wife again, I just want him to forgive me for hurting him.

"You good?" He drunkenly slurred from the cab seat alongside me, I don't even remember getting in this cab. "All good..." He started to lean on my shoulder and I started to plat his hair like I used to, when we were still happy. "We're almost there." He whispered, I know we're almost there. I used to live here...I'm his ex wife but I don't want this fairytale to end so I'm not going to tell him. That may be wrong or cruel, but I've missed this, I've missed this feeling of happiness...I've missed it all.

"Vodka martini or a double dry gin?"


He slid me a glass and I almost gulped it in one, drink for courage I would call it. "So...are we going to exchange names? Or will this all be secretive?" He placed his fingers to his lips and started to giggle. "Secretive." I replied and he grabbed my hand pulling me dangerously close, I could feel his breath on my neck as his drunken eyes looked into mine.

"Follow me princess."

We walked up the stairs to our old bedroom, it felt so surreal that after a year I was back in here. He closed the door and I surprised him with a kiss, he soon melted into my touch and kissed back, pushing me back until I hit the door.


Clothes were discarded, thrown onto the bedroom floor and this would probably form some questions the following morning and probably some arguments too.


I woke up in a bed that felt way more comfortable than usual, with sheets a lot softer than usual. It was only when I opened my eyes I realised I wasn't in my cronky one bed apartment but my home. I could feel arms wrapped around me and I turned to see Seth snuggled up to me, it made my heart break because it brought back memories of how things used to be before I ruined it, before I cheated with a man I didn't even love.

The front door opened and I could hear my mothers voice. "The kids were angels! They behaved beautifully! I'll definitely babysit aga~" She opened the door and saw us both tangled up in bed together. "Becky?" I just pressed my fingers to my lips, telling her to be quiet. "What are you doing here?" I just shook my head as I tried to free myself from Seth's arms. "Mommy!" Roux ran towards me and I felt Seth start to stir alongside me. "Hiya baby...I'll be with you in a minute, just go to your room. Nanny will play with you, okay princess?" She just nodded and ran back over to my mother. "I'll leave you two alone."


I turned over and Seth was now awake, with a look of pure disgust spread across his face. "Get out!" He shouted and I just looked back at him. "Whatever poison you spewed to get into my bed, I don't care just get out!"

"Seth? You invited me back here and I hate to break it to you, you clearly still love me or you wouldn't have asked me to sleep with you!"

I could feel myself getting upset as I reached over the bed to grab my bra and underwear. "I can't even believe you Seth...I may have been the one that cheated but you're the one who broke this relationship."

"That unfair! You never should've cheated!"

"And you never should've told me it would be okay! You made me think that you still loved me, that you wouldn't let me go! You let me fall back in love with you just to break my heart! I think you're the one who should deserve the dirty looks and the name calling, but no that's me!"

"You cheated!"

"But you made me out to be the monster!"

I grabbed the rest of my clothes and I chucked them on before standing up from the bed. "I'm going to deal with my children, then I'll be gone. You have until then to make up your mind about me Seth." I walked out and I walked into the playroom where my two children were sat playing.

"Hiya! I've missed you two so much, come on I want to be the barbie princess queen!"

"Yay! Grab the ginger doll mommy, she looks like you!"

A/N: Part 2 will be up soon.

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