29 - The first time I said I love you - Baysasha

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"You did great Bay, Vince knows that, Steph knows that damn probably even Alexa knows it!" We sat in Bayley's locker room after she'd just lost her title to Alexa, I know how hard it is when you get the call letting you know you'll be dropping your title, hell I've been there 4 times before. "I didn't, there was so much more I could've done, there's so much more that I could've put into that match." I shook my head, walking over to her and pulling her into my embrace. "You did everything you could, the crowd loved it Bay....I loved it." She lifted her head out of her hands and she caught my gaze. "Do you remember the first time I said I loved you?" She spoke with a smile creeping onto her face as she stared into my eyes."How could I ever forget..."

- Flashback -
"Bay...I honestly can't believe I'm competing in the cell!" I ran into Bayley's arms as I got home. "Wha-a?" I planted a soft kiss onto her cheek before pulling the contract from my bag. "They want me and Charlotte to make history! They want us to be the first women in the cell, I think I actually might cry!" She took the contract from my hands, worry masking her features as she read further down the contract. "Aren't you at all scared? People have received serious injuries from the cell..." I just shook my head. "I'm not sure if this is such a good idea, if something goes wrong in there Sasha you may never wrestle again..."

"Why can't you just be happy for me, if it was you with this contract I'd be the first to celebrate you making history." She shook her head. "I am happy for you, but I just don't want you to get hurt, I do not want to lose my Sasha." She took her hand in mine, waiting for me to talk. "But I want to do this, I want to make history, I want to fight in the cell. Bay I'll be fine and you can bank on that." A bright smile appeared on her face as she nodded. "Okay, Sash I'm proud, really really proud that my girlfriend is about to make history. I can't lie I probably won't want to watch the match, but I will just to see my Sasha fight in that cell."

"Your Sasha eh?" I spoke with a slight smirk. "Yes my Sasha. Can I tell you a story?" A tilted my head to the side in confusion but nodded regardless, wondering what story Bayley wants to tell me. "Once a long time ago, in the performance centre I met this girl. To others she may not have stood out, but to me I couldn't keep my eyes off her, she was just perfect. This girl turned out to be one of my best friends, one of the best friends I'll ever have, this girl turned out to be the love of my life, this girl is about to make history and this girl is you. Sasha...I love you..." My head snapped up and I made eye contact with Bayley, tears filling my eyes as I registered what she'd just said. "Bay, god Bay I love you too."

I slammed my lips onto hers as she wrapped her arms around my waist, I've been waiting for her to say that...I've been waiting to say it back. I could've said it right from the very day I met her, she was just everything I needed and more and now she's mine, no, now I'm hers.

- End of Flashback -
"I love you Sasha and losing no title is ever going to change that." She glanced up at me, her sad expression completely diminished. "I love you too Bayley and look, you'll be champion again before you know it. Don't let Alexa get you down or anyone in this damn company, because you're a star Bayley and you always will be. Even if we're rivals in the ring I'll always love you, never forget that." I spoke with a smile on my face as Bayley leant forward, I leant forward too and I pressed a soft and delicate kiss to her lips, which was soon responded with a kiss with much more passion. "Get that gear off now." I spoke in a low tone and I don't think I've ever seen Bayley get undressed as quick as that.

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