27 - Druken Mistake - Brollins II

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"Right Mommy has got to go! But I've loved playing so much!" They both tried to make me stay but I shook my head. "I really have to go, but you two behave for daddy okay?" I stood up off the floor and I turned around, with my mother no longer in the doorway but Seth, leaning against the door frame. "I think we need to talk, don't you?" I just nodded and began walking towards him. "Goodbye!" They both ran up to me and hugged my legs. "I'll be back before you know it."

"But we miss you!"

"We don't like it when you two are fighting!"

"That's why I'm not living here for now, but I promise I'll visit more often and we can play barbie! We won't fight okay?"

"Okay! See you later alligator."

"In a while crocodile."

I winked at both of my children before walking into mine and Colby's bedroom. He had a stern look on his face as I sat down on the end of the bed, I could hear his breathing is heavy like he had been crying, with the pain I've caused it wouldn't surprise me. "Becky, look I don't know what happened last night..." He sighed, his tone now a lot gentler than this morning. "But this was just a drunken mistake...Seth please just say it and I can go." I looked away from him as I could feel the tears building in my eyes. "That's not what I was going to say, Becky just give me a chance to talk. What I was actually going to say was, I don't know what happened last night but I'm glad it happened with you and you're right a part of me still loves you...a part of me always will."

"But you'll never be able to forgive me for sleeping with Dean, that's a line I never should've crossed and I know! I know I shouldn't have done it but I was drunk and lonely, at that point you were away and I just needed something...you have no idea how much I wish I just went home alone that night, waking up with Dean made me feel sick."


"I'm sorry Seth, everything was on top of me. Roux was 3 and we'd only just had Luna...it felt like I was a single mom, I was alone, I was depressed and god knew when you were coming home...Dean offered to take me out for a drink and I said yes, when things got taken further I couldn't stop myself. Yes, I understand I'm pathetic...why didn't I just call? I don't know, it felt like I had already lost you...this is all my fault."

I stood up from the bed as I could feel the tears start to fall. "I need to go...tell the kids I'm sorry." I walked towards the door but I heard him call after me so I froze. "Just come here." I almost didn't want to turn around, I didn't want to see the pain and disappointment on his face. "Becky please." I just turned around and began walking towards him.

"I'm sorry too, I went back to work too soon...I left you guys too soon. Becky I can't do this constant fighting anymore, I miss having you here, I miss spending nights out with you, I miss waking up with you in my arms, I miss your good cooking and most importantly I miss you. So maybe we could try this again?"

He reached his hand out to me and I took it, he pulled me closer while intertwining our fingers together. Having his warm hand back in mine just felt right. "Are you sure Seth..." He nodded. "Of course I'm sure, can we please just leave all drunken mistakes in the past."

"I'd drink to that."

We both started laughing and the feeling I got in my chest just felt so nice, being back in bed with Seth laughing about pointless shit that isn't even funny...god I've missed this more than I've let myself believe but if he's ready to put the past in the past, I'm ready too.

"Welcome home Mrs.Lopez."

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