🥊 ~fight~ 🥊

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"I'm back," you said, opening the door to Quinton's room.

"Mm," was all he said, eyes glued to his video game.

"Well hello to you to," you said sassily. You had had a really hard, long day because some fans were chasing you at the grocery store. All you wanted to do was get some more food for the house but they start harassing you and following you so much so that you had to leave.

"What with the attitude," he said, still focused on the game.

"What attitude?" you asked right as the strap to your purse broke and everything spilled on the floor. "UgHhHHhh!"

Quinton looked over at you as you cleaned the mess up, "want help?"

"No, I'm fine!" you snap, cleaning the floor up.

"Okay, okay," he put his hands up and then returned to his game.

"Do you always have to play that stupid game?" you growled, putting your purse on the table and going into the bathroom to take off your makeup.

"My bad, listen, just because you're having a bad day doesn't mean you have to take it out of me," he said sharply, roughly shoving the controller into his gaming table and standing up. You stepped out of the bathroom.

"That's not fair, you don't get to do that," you pointed your finger at him. "I always have to fight for your attention when you play video games. It would be fine if it was just for an hour or two but last week literally play video games for 5 HOURS each day!"

"Oh my goodness, not this again y/n, please. It only happened once. ONCE. And besides, you binge hours of movies all the time and I've never said anything," he stood up and came towards you.

"We watch it together, that is not the same thing," you rolled your eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at me. I get it. You had a bad day. But I didn't do anything. I was just sitting there playing my games when-"

"EXACTLY QUINTON!" you threw your hands up in the air. "You didn't do anything. Would it kill you to do something once in a while. I get it, you're in the Sway house. So cool. But the world is still going on. I had to go to the grocery story ALONE. There is an epidemic going on and I'm the one running all of your errands."

"You didn't have to go," he folded his arms.

"Are you serious? Yes I did. We need food, we can't just be eating takeout everyday."

"Don't raise your voice y/n," he said in a warning tone.

"Why don't you focus on what you are supposed to be doing, rather than telling me what I shouldn't do, hmm? That sound good?" you turned away from him and marched back into the bathroom.

"Do you hear yourself when you talk?" Quinton followed you and stood in the doorway of the bathroom.

"Do you see what you're doing Quinton?" you snapped back.

"OH MY GOODNESS Y/N!" he shouted, throwing his hands in the air. "What? What am I doing? I can't play video games with my boys but you can binge watch movies all night long. You dont want us to eat take out, yet you're complaining about going to the store. Tell me what I'm doing."

"Don't tell me not to raise my voice and then raise your own voice," you shouted back. "Quinton, I can't do this. I can't do this right now. It's not that I am complaining about going to the stupid store. I'll go, I don't care."

"Then what?" he glared.

You took a deep breath and spoke in a leveled voice, "I was trying to get food when I was harassed by fans. They followed me around, wouldn't let me get anywhere near the item I was trying to grab because they were all around me, and they said mean things. It was like having a live hate comment session. I don't even know if they were fans or clout chasers trying to get some kind of reaction out of me. Do you know how hard it is to control yourself and not scream at all those people? I got in my car and I screamed I was so angry. Next thing I know, there's a video of me on YouTube screaming in my car like a madwoman with no context. Go ahead look it up, I'm not bluffing."

Quinton looked at you wearily, but pulled out his phone. His eyes went wide and you went to stand next to him and watch the video. It was you in your car with your head leaning on the steering wheel. You picked up your head and screamed then hit the steering wheel repetitively.

"I look like I'm disturbed," you shook you head and walked out of the bathroom.

"Look I'm sorry I just-"

"That's not fair. Just because you know the situation, now you get to apologize?" you raised your voice slightly.

"I didn't know!" he raised his voice too.

"You don't have to know. You should give people the benefit of the doubt sometimes!"

"y/n, I swear you are pushing every button I have right now," he pinched the bridge of his nose with his fingers.

"And you know what you're doing?" you felt so angry and tears were streaming down your face. He looked up at you and his expression softened when he saw your tears. You just screamed, "YOU'RE LOSING ME! THAT'S WHAT YOU'RE DOING! IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT?"

Then you ran into the bathroom and locked the door.

"y/n! y/n!" he was pounding on the door. "y/n let me in. I'm sorry."

You slid down to the floor and leaned against the door, "go away..."

He stopped pounding and you thought he had left.

"I am sitting on the other side of this door until you come out," he said softly, when you didn't answer he said, "don't make me sing y/n... if I sing will you open this door for me?"

"Maybe," you said softly, using the palms of your hands to wipe your tears. Wow, I forgot he had such a good voice, you thought to yourself as fresh tears made their way down your cheeks. When the chorus came, you harmonized with him.

"Feeling like I did too much
I'm feeling like I did too much
Well let's get naughtier
I mean naughtier..."

Silence hung in the air.

"I'm sorry" you both said at the same time.

"Sorry, you go," you said.

"No you, sorry," he said.

"I'm sorry for yelling and for throwing a fit... you're not that addicted to your video games, I was just still upset about how much you played last week and I'm sorry," you choked and more tears came.

"No baby, it's not your fault, playing video games makes me kind of aggressive and that's why I came on you so strong. I should never, ever raise my voice at you and I promise you, baby, I won't do it again..."

You stood up and opened the door, Quinton fell because he was still leaning against it.

"Oh my goodness, are you okay? I'm sorry," you giggled through your tears.

"I'm fine," he laughed, standing up. Then, he brushed away your tears with his thumb and kissed your forehead. "I'm really sorry."

"Me too," you have him a sad smile. He pulled you in and you buried your head in his chest as he laid his chin on top of your head.

"From now on, you will never go to the grocery store unaccompanied, you got that Ms. y/l/n?"

"Understood Mr. Griggs," you giggled and looked up at him. "And no more fighting, it makes me hungry."

"You got it beautiful," he winked down at you. "Cmon, let's see what's in the kitchen."

You both made you way out of the bathroom.

~•Quinton Griggs•~ [Imagines + Preferences]Where stories live. Discover now