🥳 ~SURPRISE pt. 2~ 🥳

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Because of the overwhelming about of comments, I have decided to make a part two! Enjoy!

^^ :45  just wow when that beat dropped though Brandonnnnnn, love PRETTYMUCH


Life isn't like the movies.

You wished it was.

After you were hit by the 18-wheeler, you were in a coma for almost a week. The doctors said there was swelling in your brain, along with your two broke ribs, sprained ankle, and gigantic gash on your forearm that they stitched up. You felt like absolute garbage when you woke from the coma.

The first thing you saw when you opened your eyes made you wish you were dead.

You've got to be kidding me... God must be laughing right now.

"Oh my gosh! Y/n, you're awake!" Cynthia Parker sat upright in her chair. "Quinton just stepped out for a second to use the bathroom. He should be back any second... DOCTOR! Doctors! She's awake!"

Immediately, my room was flooded with doctors and nurses checking my vitals and asking me questions.

"Y/n! Y/n!"

You recognized that voice anywhere.

"Quinton?" You croaked. You could see him fighting through the crowd of doctors and nurses to get to you. When he did, he picked up your hand and kissed it.

"Oh thank God! Thank God you're okay!"

He leaned over and engulfed you in a big hug.

Once the doctors had cleared out, Quinton called the crew and everyone came in. Kio, Olivia, Nick, Bryce, Jaden, Blake, Nessa, Josh,  Anthony, and Griffin.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Nessa held your hand.

"Like a million bucks," you flashed her a smile, making her laugh. After a few hours, everyone started to leave until only Quinton and Cynthia were left.

"Hey could you go to the car? I'll meet you there. I just want to talk to y/n," you overheard him whisper to Cynthia. She nodded and kissed him on the cheek.

"Hey," he said, making his way over to you. Now you could see that his eyes were red and swollen.

"I'm sorry I ruined your birthday," you sighed.

"Hey, no it's okay!" he sat down at the edge of the bed.

You should tell him.

Really? Right now?



Do it y/n! Or you'll regret it!

"Quinton," you said, causing him to look up at you. "At the party, when I told you I-I loved you... I was, um, I was trying to say that I was... in love with you."

His expression turned to that of surprise.

"I have for a while, and I've been wanting to tell you, but you're with Cynthia and it just got complicated..." you explained. Quinton stayed silent and looked away. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make things awkward."

"No, no, it's okay, it's just that.. I'm with Cynthia and I really, really like her," he scratched the back of his neck.

In that moment, you felt like someone had hit you with a truck all over again.

"Oh," you looked down at your hands as tears formed in your eyes.

"Y/n, I'm really sorry," Quinton reached for your hands.

You pulled away and wrung your hands, "no, no, it's all good. I had a feeling I was too late anyway."

"We're still friends though, right?"

Heck no. Every time I look at you my heart breaks a little.

"Yeah, of course," you said, then joked, "now get out of here, your girl is waiting."

"You gonna be okay?"

"I'm fine," you waved him off. He gave one long look before leaving the room. Once you were sure he was gone, you let out all the tears that had been built up in you.


You quickly wiped your eyes and looked up.

"H-Hey Noah," you tried your best to give Noah Beck a smile.

"I'm sorry I could make it earlier," he took a seat in the chair next to your bed. "I was at soccer practice, I came as soon as I could... are you okay?"

You looked at him and just shook your head. Fresh tears fell down your face.

"Look, um, I know we don't ... we don't know each other that well, but I'm here if you wanna talk," he said. You looked at him and wiped your tears.

This is the first time in a really long time someone has offered to listen to me.

"Yeah, um, well..."

Eight months later

A knock on your door.

You made your way to the door and opened it. There stood Quinton. You guys had stayed in touch until about a month ago when you found out he and Cynthia broke up. He stopped responding to your calls and texts. Everyone said that he stopped talking to them. Even his best friend Jaden.

"Quinton... hey," you smiled. "It's so good to see you."

"Hey," he smiled.

"Um, what's up? Are you okay?"

"I just... I've been thinking and, um, I'm really sorry."

"Sorry for what?"

"That night in the hospital, when you confessed, I didn't realize it, but I loved you too. And it took eight months but now I'm sure... I love you y/n. Always have. Always will."


"Quinton, I..."

"Babe, who's at the door?"

"It's Quinton," you told Noah as he wrapped an arm around your waist.

"Quinton? No way! How are you man?"

Quinton just stared at Noah.

"I-I'm good," he gave Noah a fake smile.

"Could you, um, could you give us a second?" You turned and asked Noah.

"Yeah, of course," he kissed your cheek and disappeared back into the house.

"So... you and Noah, huh?" Quinton asked.

"Yeah, um, he helped me out with my recovery and we kinda just... clicked," you said.

"Wow, um, okay. This was a surprise. Well I'm happy for you..." Quinton stared at you. "I'm gonna go."

"I'm sorry!" you called after him.

"Maybe in another life, when I wasn't so stupid, I could have had you," Quinton turned back to you with tears in his eyes.


"Bye y/n," he said and got in his truck and drove off.

~•Quinton Griggs•~ [Imagines + Preferences]Where stories live. Discover now