[Magic Killer 20] Chapter 66 - Ended

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Bai Chi was called downstairs by the twins, saying that there was a gift for him... Everyone in S.C.I. followed curiously. They saw a very cute car parked in front of the police station —— A yellow 'cockchafer', there are also a few chubby fierce rabbits pasted on the car door~~

Staring at the car for a long time, Bai Chi asked the twins dumbly "This is... For me?!"

"Yes~~" The twins nodded "You helped us earn so much money, this is a gift for you~~"

Xiao Bai Chi had a bitter face, but he can't really reject it. The others in S.C.I. was laughing non-stop, Bai YuTang looked at the twins in admiration "You two are really good~~ He drives this kind of car out and the image of the police is completely destroyed."

"I don't like this~~~" Bai Chi whispered.

The twins looked at each other and asked Bai Chi "Then what style do you like? After choosing for a very long time, we think that this matches you the most~~~"

Bai Chi wrinkled his nose, raised his head and looked around, then suddenly pointed to a large black jeep driving in the distance and said "I like that kind~~ Big, showing that the person driving it is very manly."

"Puff~~~" Everyone feel that the word 'manly' came out of Bai Chi's mouth is very shocking and funny!

Zhan Zhao suddenly patted Bai YuTang and motioned him to look at the jeep approaching.

The car stopped not far in front of everyone, the door opened and a person jumped out, with a cast on his left hand —— Zhao Zhen.

Bai Chi has already ran over happily, of course not to Zhao Zhen, but to Lisbon who was at the back seat of the car~~

Bai YuTang and Zhan Zhao looked at each other while walking towards Zhao Zhen.

"Why are you finding me for?" Zhao Zhen asked Bai Chi.

Bai Chi rubbed Lisbon's head "It's not me... It's them." As he said, he pointed to Bai YuTang and Zhan Zhao who was approaching them.

Zhan Zhao asked Bai Chi to send a text message to Zhao Zhen just now, asking him to come to the police station immediately~~ But they didn't expect that he would come so fast.

{hmm,, he came to see ahem Bai Chi🌚}

Zhao Zhen looked at the two standing in front of him and shrugged weakly "I know what you guys are suspecting... If you want me to help you, you have to show me the evidence!"

Bai YuTang smiled "If we can't show the evidence, you will still shield the murderer?!"

Zhao Zhen smiled bitterly "If you are me, what would you do?!"

Bai YuTang sneered "If I am you, I will say it out ten years ago!"

"..." Zhao Zhen was slightly surprised and then fell silent.

Zhan Zhao saw that the two of them were a little fierce then turned to wince at Bai YuTang, indicating that he should not get angry.

Turning his face away, Bai YuTang pulled Bai Chi back a few steps away, letting Zhan Zhao and Zhao Zhen talk alone.

"YuTang is always like this." Zhan Zhao smiled at Zhao Zhen "He is like a knife."

Zhao Zhen glanced at Zhan Zhao and shook his head "It's okay. In contrast, the needle which you are hiding in the cotton, is even more overwhelming."

Zhan Zhao didn't get angry but smiled "You know I have the evidence~~ Bai Chi!"

Zhao Zhen's face changed slightly "That is difficult to be used as an evidence, only as a basis for your doubts!"

S.C.I. Special Crime Investigation // S.C.I.谜案集 [English translation] Book 1Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum