[Ghost Murderer 30] Chapter 121 - Plot

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Bai YuTang and Zhan Zhao carefully arranged the task of the operation, and everyone went down to act separately.

"Xiao Bai, have you seen Luo Tian?" Zhan Zhao suddenly asked Bai YuTang before going out.

"... Luo Tian?" Bai YuTang looked around, he was still in the lounge just now.

"Uncle Bao called him." Xiao Luo Yang on the sofa put his chin on his hands and replied with a smile.

Zhan Zhao and Bai YuTang looked at each other and asked him "You are smiling so mysteriously... Is it related to you?"

Luo Yang laughed again, he blinked and said "I went to beg Uncle Bao yesterday, and asked him if he could forgive uncle big beard."

Zhan Zhao and Bai YuTang were taken aback for a moment, and asked "You beg Director Bao to forgive him? What did you tell him?"

Luo Yang tilted his head "Yes, isn't uncle Bao's position bigger than the both of you? Wouldn't it be nice if he forgives uncle big beard? I told him that uncle big beard seems to have done bad things in the past, but he is really a good man. He has suffered a lot, can you please forgive him in the future and let him live a good life?"

Zhan Zhao was surprised and asked Luo Yang "What about Director Bao? What did he say?"

"He said no problem." Luo Yang smiled.

Bai YuTang and Zhao Zhao were both stunned. Luo Yang's move is very smart. He start from Bao Zheng, but then again, Luo Tian has indeed killed people before, but killing Edgar Allen Poe is definitely because of self-defence and he does not need to take any responsibility for it. All the things he did during the cruel training should not be blamed on Luo Tian. After all, he is the real victim, and he has been tired enough from living without the sun for nearly 20 years. If God really has eyes, this poor man should be able to live the rest of his life well.

"It's all ready." While the two were still thinking, Gong Sun walked in "The tracker has been implanted into Jiejie's body by professionals, so it shouldn't be easily discovered."

"Then let's go." Bai YuTang picked up his coat and walked out with Zhan Zhao. Before entering the elevator, someone chased after them.

"I want to go too." Zhan Zhao and Bai YuTang turned around and found Luo Tian.

Bai YuTang didn't say much, he just held down the elevator door and waited for him to come in.

Luo Tian had a happy expression on his face and entered the elevator. When the elevator door closed, he suddenly said "I have... decided to live with Yangyang."

Bai YuTang and Zhan Zhao looked at each other and nodded with a smile.

In the parking lot, Wang Chao and the others were all ready. Zhan Zhao, Bai YuTang, Jiang Ping and Bai Chi got into the police commanding vehicle.

Ma Han and Zhao Hu escorted Jiejie, who was dressed in prisoner attire, out of the police station and into the escort vehicle.

This time, it is said to send Jiejie to the psychiatric research centre for a full examination.

After the escort vehicle slowly left, Jiang Ping started tracking through the tracking system installed in the vehicle.

Not long after the car drove out, Ma Han and Zhao Hu found a black car following behind them unhurriedly.

"Leader... They're are, but the car is very small." Zhao Hu said into the walkie-talkie.

"They won't do it themselves." Zhan Zhao said "They're only responsible for giving Jiejie the signal. Be careful."

S.C.I. Special Crime Investigation // S.C.I.谜案集 [English translation] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now