[Magic Killer 07] Chapter 53 - Mist

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┌─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┐
〚 ⚠️ 〛 warning —— kiss
└─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┘

When Bai YuTang started the car and prepared to take Zhan Zhao back to the apartment, it was already almost three in the morning.

"Heihei~~" Zhan Zhao suddenly laughed, he seemed to be thinking of something interesting, Bai YuTang beside him also laughed "What's the matter, Mao Er? So happy?"

Zhan Zhao turned to look at him "I thought of what happened when Bai Chi and Zhao Zhen were young."

"Hehe~~~" Bai YuTang couldn't help but laughed too "It's really funny, I don't think even know that there is such a relationship."

"That Zhao Zhen is worse than you when you were a kid!" Zhan Zhao tried to hold back his laughter.

"Dead cat, how am I a bad kid when I was young?!" Bai YuTang protested.

"You are saying that you are not bad? Do you remember..." Zhan Zhao recalled with a smile "That time, you threw the two brothers next door into the muddy flower bed and watered them, saying that they would grow up faster."

"Haha~~~" Bai YuTang also laughed "Yes I remember, remember what happened when you are eight... The two brothers pulled out all the seedlings you planted, so I taught them a lesson."

"The teacher who teaches history in middle school..." Zhan Zhao said "You glued the teacher to the toilet seat!"

"Pu~~~~" Bai YuTang laughed harder "He was lifted up with the toilet seat and sent to the hospital..."

Zhan Zhao laughed while covering his stomach "The toilet seat was stuck on his butt... And he can't lift his pants up, so he just walked out of the toilet. Everyone saw it..."

Bai YuTang nodded "He said that you cheated in the exam and told you to stand outside the classroom... Gluing him to the toilet seat is a very light revenge for him."

"Are you the one who release the mysterious homemade tear gas in his office later on?" Zhan Zhao asked "This matter seems to be an unsolved mystery in the school until now."

"Hehe... I also locked his door, he jumped out of the window and it was a stinky drain..." Bai YuTang was laughing "From that time onward, he never dared to look at you again, like avoiding the God... Haha..."

"You still said you are not bad?!" Zhan Zhao glared at him "When you graduated, the teachers were so eager to set off firecrackers to celebrate. They all said that the school is finally peaceful~"

"Who ask them to provoke you?!"Bai YuTang smiled and blurted out "You are mine. Other than me, no one else can touch you!"


He felt a little embarrassed after speaking... Bai YuTang shook his head and laughed "Thinking about it now, when I was young, I am like a fly swatter, whoever that tries to come close to you, I will hit them!"

Zhan Zhao looked at the approaching apartment building, suddenly turned around and said "Xiao Bai, let's not go back first."


Bai YuTang looked at him confusingly "Don't go back? It's almost dawn, you don't want to sleep for a while?"

"Do you remember the beach we used to go when we were young?" Zhan Zhao said enthusiastically "Can we go there?"

"Now?" Bai YuTang asked "It's quite far!"

"I want to go..." Zhan Zhao said "We often go there when we were studying."

S.C.I. Special Crime Investigation // S.C.I.谜案集 [English translation] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now