[Digital Killer 14] Chapter 15 - Li FeiFan

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Soon, several police cars stopped in front of the Department of Psychology in C University, Gong Sun and the others hurried down the car. The police officers pulled police tape around the body and the school security guards dispersed the onlookers. The whole scene was in order, but the whole school was in an uproar.

Li FeiFan is a standard top student. Suddenly falling down from the top floor, the school is definitely to blame. After on-site investigation, the police determined that Li FeiFan was murdered and the whole school panicked.

The school authorities immediately ordered the school to suspend classes for a day and cooperated fully with the police investigation.

The S.C.I. criminal police were divided into several groups to start their work. Wang Chao took some technicians to take samples from the rooftop. Zhang Long then went with Xu Qing to question Li FeiFan's classmates. Ma Han went to Li FeiFan's dormitory. Gong Sun and Zhao Hu performed autopsies and questioned witnesses at the scene.

Bai YuTang pulled Zhan Zhao into S.C.I.'s outfield RV and the two sat down face to face.

"What?" Zhan Zhao looked at Bai YuTang who was looking at him with a serious face.

"Do you feel better now?"

"I'm fine." Zhan Zhao turned away and muttered.

"So what is your relationship with Li FeiFan?" Bai YuTang asked with a smile.

"What are you talking about?!" Zhan Zhao jumped up.

"Don't be mad first?" Bai YuTang quickly reached out to pull Zhan Zhao back to the chair "I'm asking how much do you know about him? Do you have any special impressions of him or anything he said to you before?"

Zhan Zhao frowned and recalled back "There is nothing special, I only know that he studied very well, he is always present when I have lecture and often ask me questions."

"What questions?"

"It's all related to academic, nothing special..."

"Do you know when this photo was taken?" Bai YuTang asked while holding on to the phone.

Zhan Zhao shook his head in distress "I have no idea at all."

"What about the numbers '1, 3, 5'?"

Zhan Zhao sighed "I don't understand."

Bai YuTang also sighed "Mao Er you see, this kid fall off the building with his mobile phone in hand and there is a picture of you in it. It seems like he committed suicide for love."

Zhan Zhao's eyes widened as soon as he heard what Bai YuTang said "Bai Lao Shu! Now is not the time to joke around."

"Hehe..." Bai YuTang stretched out his fingers and rubbed Zhan Zhao's eyebrows saying "I want you to relax don't be so nervous."

After listening, Zhan Zhao glance at Bai YuTang then leaned back on the chair "There isn't any clue this time, but... I think he want to tell me something..."

Di di di di......

Bai YuTang's phone rang and he picked it up, it was Ma Han's voice.

"Leader, we found something in Li FeiFan's dormitory, come and take a look."

"What did you find?" Bai YuTang heard Ma Han's anxious voice.

"... I don't know how to explain it, you will know when you come over, bring Dr. Zhan with you too."

Hanging up the phone, Bai YuTang and Zhan Zhao immediately rushed over.

Li FeiFan live in the postgraduate dormitory building on the east campus of the school. Due to his excellent study, the school specially rewarded him with a more luxurious single-room dormitory. It's a new building that just finishing renovation not long ago. It has complete facilities and decoration. Li FeiFan live on the third floor, the first room on the east side, Room 301.

S.C.I. Special Crime Investigation // S.C.I.谜案集 [English translation] Book 1Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat