[Ghost Murderer 21] Chapter 112 - Past

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Probably because he have zero childhood memory, Bai JinTang's memory is very clean and simple, only a few people are in his life. As for children, there is probably only his younger brothers Bai YuTang and Zhan Zhao.

When he was released from the sterile room, and the first time he saw Bai YuTang, he was very impressed. Little YuTang was so small back then, looking very adorable, he would call him "Ge ge" while clinging onto him, and he liked him very much. Later, he found out that Zhan Zhao, who was living next door, was always coming over. The two little ones were always sticking together and calling him Ge Ge, which made it even more intresting. After he left, the younger brother in his memory was still the cubby little cutie, but when he came back to see him a few years later, he realised that his younger brother suddenly grew up a lot.

The relationship between Bai JinTang and the Bai family is very bad. In Bao Zheng's words, it's like the Bai family is a tiger, and Bai JinTang is a wolf. They don't fit well together, and the elders of the Bai family are very taboo. But Bai YuTang was the only one who wasn't. He still obediently called him Da Ge, he listened to whatever he says, and occasionally acted like a spoiled child so Bai JinTang pampered him.

In junior high school, Bai JinTang came back to see Bai YuTang and found out that he likes to practice fighting, so he hired a few experts to teach him, saying that practicing is always good, not only to protect himself, but also to protect people he likes. Half a year later, Bai YuTang beat up all the people who came to teach him, he returned them and said "Ge, how much did you pay them? They are all so weak, can you get a refund?"

In high school, Bai YuTang was obsessed with shooting. Bai JinTang came back and introduced him to a good shooting range. He also gave him a few guns, and said "Don't let people know, It's always good to practice accurately, anyways, you will also become a police officer in the future." Bai YuTang used the gun well, and returned the goods back, saying "Ge, I'm going to stay in the dormitory. It's not safe to leave it at home. The old man will definitely go crazy when he finds out."

When Bai YuTang was in college, Bai JinTang came back again and bought Bai YuTang his first car, so that he would not be bored in school when he is free, and take Zhan Zhao to different places to explore. Bai YuTang scrapped the car in three years, he turned to his brother and said "Ge, this thing is too slow. I'm going to fly a plane." Then, he became a pilot.

After returning from the army, Bai YuTang did not resist at all, so he followed the wishes of the Bai family and became a police officer. Bai JinTang has always been puzzled in his heart. His younger brother is good in everything, whether it is literary talent or martial arts talent, what he says and what he does is the best in the world, why does he have to become a police officer? Being a police officer is so dangerous and troublesome. He doesn't believe in getting rid of the cruel and creating peace. He just wants his only younger brother to live happily. When Bai YuTang casually said "It doesn't matter on what I want to be." So he brought him top-of-the-line sports car, which can drive like you're flying, which really match with his younger brother. He really can't see his brother driving those suffocating police cars. Only later he then found out that Bai YuTang didn't forced himself into this because of his family, but it was because of —— Zhan Zhao.

From a very young age, Bai JinTang knew that Bai YuTang is not simple. The most difficult part is that he has grown up, thus he will not let anyone know. No one knows what he is thinking in his heart, of course, except for Zhan Zhao.

Looking up at his younger brother, who was standing of opposite him is already as tall as him. He ask him in a deep voice "What does it mean by you also belong to the Leonard family."

Bai JinTang laughed, a person can never completely cover up his true nature, Bai YuTang is no exception, the Bai family are all tigers, but in this generation, both brothers are wolves!

S.C.I. Special Crime Investigation // S.C.I.谜案集 [English translation] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now