Assault First, Ask Questions Later

Start from the beginning

I laughed to myself. So many memories sat on this bed alone. How Nova would sleep with his back to mine. That was until after we made love. He became far more comfortable, facing me, cuddling me to sleep.

I felt myself fall into a slump in the bedding, as though someone had lay there before me.

I raised an eyebrow and sniffed at the air. It was subtle. So subtle I barely noticed it at first, but once I did, the scent flared within my nostrils.

"Someone's been in here. Recently."

I sat up in bed and stared at Pauline. "Who took this room?"

She hesitated for a moment.

"Paulie, tell me. Who uses this room?"

Pauline took a breath before she spoke. "After you and Nova passed away, Eskarina was appointed the newest Commander."

My blood boiled at the sound of her name...

"Is it true? She killed Nova?"

Pauline didn't answer.


"Yes! She...she executed him."

"You haven't done anything?!"

"What do you expect me to do?!"

I balled my fist in rage and rose to my feet.

I left the room, following the scent as Pauline trailed behind me.

"Where are you going?" She questioned.

"Wherever this stench leads me."

Pauline ran in front of me and gave me a shove back. "If you're looking to hurt Eskarina, forget it. I won't let you."

I stepped closer to Pauline. "You're saying you're going to try stop me Paulie?"

"Eskarina has gotten a whole lot more skilled since you last saw her."

"So what?! You think I can't take her on?"

"I know you can't."

I shoved Pauline aside and kept walking until I found myself outside the door to the bathhouse.

Again, Pauline rushed in front of me, blocking the door.


"Don't you get it?! Hurting her isn't going to help anything!" She cried.

"I'm going to kill her! She deserves to die!"

"Killing her isn't going to bring Nova back!" Pauline bellowed.

The door behind Pauline creaked as it slowly creaked open.


Her voice sent pulses of rage through my body. I shoved Paulie aside and grabbed at Eskarina. Her eyes widened with surprise as I tackled her back into the bathhouse. We slipped on the wet floor and fell to the tiles with a thud. I landed on top, grabbing a fistful of her hair, I bashed her skull back against the floor.

She kicked out, landing a solid boot to my gut whilst grabbing my arm at the same time. She slammed her palm against my wrist and twisted, forcing my grip off her hair.

Pauline wasn't lying, she had gotten better.

Eskarina wriggled her way out of my grip and kicked me away, recoiling back as she steadied herself.

I rose to my feet, disregarding the wet tiles and lunged at her, ramming my elbow against her cheek. She stammered backward and I continued my assault, grabbing her towel and using it to pull her close before bashing my forehead against the bridge of her nose. I felt her nose break as she cried out. Eskarina pushed us back, shoving her whole body weight into me. We fell into the bath, submerged beneath the warm waters which now became blurry with Eskarina's blood. She fired off punches of her own, landing clean hits against my jaw and ribcage.

The Revenant:Book 2Where stories live. Discover now