A Good Dog

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I remember the first time he came into my halls.

A scared little puppy he was, quivering and shaking like a leaf in the winter winds. His body was so skeletal you'd have been dumb not assume he was undead at the first sight of him. It was impossible to believe this...boy, literal fucking child was capable of putting an entire regiment in the hospital. Six years old? Six?! Defeating a regiment alone?!

He should have been playing with wooden swords pretending to be a killer or a bandit at that age.

And that's when I realised it. That was when I understood that this dog was the key. No one would suspect a mere child to be so dangerous. Not even the child itself. I could train it to be what I knew it could be.

As it grew up, I wanted it to be my knight rather than my Commander, at first Nova had no idea how to run an army. It was a one man killing Machine and that was what he was good at. And it was just as I had taught it. It was my blade that would slice through each of my foes one by one.

But then, overtime, it began to change.

It started winning.
Not on his own, but with far less casualties.
Its tactics were something I'd need to see on my own. Once I had, I was shocked. It's mind was becoming more clear, but thankfully I could steer its vision to see just enough that it wouldn't notice how much I wasn't using it.

Not only that, but it was stronger, faster than the other men. I didn't need him to see how much it actually was capable of that would be disastrous. Just enough for it to know it's dangerous and it should stay away from people. As I expected it isolated itself and stayed loyal in its kennel. And when I told it to my aid, it came. If it didn't, I'd simply remind it that all I've ever done for it is all around it. Living in the palace, with my daughters and my wife. It had to be grateful for it all because I'd gotten it for it and so it was forever in my debt.

It could become my righteuous claim to the world. My own personal Super Weapon. An undead Commander with tactical genius? Who's skills lay in its ability to think ten steps ahead while others believe its twelve steps behind.

It'd come home after the bloodiest of battles, shaking and quivering.

"Say it."

"There is no happiness. Only sadness. There is no love. Only hate. There is no joy. Only agony. There is no hope. Only chaos. There is no defeat. Only victory. There is no peace. There Is Only War."

"Good boy. Strength is all that matters Nova."

It was so easy. A scared little puppy who's father had hurt it. It's fear that I could channel into rage and anger that would become capable of leveling entire nations for me.

I never needed to train it, it's father had taken care of that for me. All it was, was directionless fear and hatred. All it needed was a place to put that towards. Sylvas was failing me countless battles. He was a mere human after all. No matter how much he tried he was a frail old man, unable to accept that new blood had taken his place, let alone at such a young age.

The old fool could not see its potential. The potential for this single boy, who's potential was so great, that I could use it all for me. Why send whole armies when I could send one monster? Time, resources, men? All saved. Even with men, greatly reduced casualties with its tactics and its battle prowess had become a living legend.

It would take me from King Roman, to Emperor Roman of the North. All I'd need to do was point and say "fetch." And it would do so.

Nova Vi Britannia.

My own underestimated harbinger of death.

Then it started being around my daughters. They were all children, of similar age, and I thought what harm could it be? It was just like I had given them their own puppy!

But no. It had begun to try and make jokes. It had begun to take interest in reading and poetry. It had dreams of becoming a traveling bard.

Could you imagine?

A dog, wanting to be bard? Who would listen to a dog bark in a tavern. No one. Who would care for its musical capabilities, it was a dog. It was meant to listen and obey orders. It was not meant to want for things. It was meant to be obedient. All it should want are the treats I gave it. Even my wife, gods forbid, had become infatuated with the dog. Made sense, she was always a bitch she was.

"I have an assignment for you."

It wiped its tears away and sniffed heavily.

"Name it. I'll get it done."

I gave it a glance then looked back out to my city. Little did I know, it would expand it greater than I could ever imagine. From a city, to a capital.

"There is a King, Hoffman is his family name. He rules to the south of the continent. I've heard talk that he has recently come into posession of a powerful magic known only as black powder. I want it. You will go with your army and take it from him."

I heard its feet clack onto the ground as it stood up, wiping tears from its eyes with its sleeves.

"You'll have it."

"Very good Nova. Very good."

It turned on it heel to leave.


It stopped, the door open halfway, creaking as it swung.


"Bring me his head. It'll bring me all the more joy once I place it on a pike."

He left the room in silence...


"-And in matters of state" Clovius spoke. His voice always did bore me. So formal and to the point. "Taxes have been raised 5 percent. Our Revenant Disposition Camps are steadily becoming overcrowded sire."

I had lost interest in what Clovius was saying five minutes ago. I looked back fondly on those years. I remembered when it had walked in after I'd given that order almost two months later.

It  was covered in blood, barely keeping itself awake with adrenaline alone.

It threw Hoffman's head to the ground, blood stained the carpets but it was the most beautiful sight I'd ever seen.

"It's...it's done..." It spoke, barely audible. Each breath it took was heavier than the last.

"Very good boy Nova. Very good."

I returned to the present when she entered. That bow and quiver on her back. It'd taught her so well how to use it, but she knew nothing of inspiring others or giving them confidence. She never knew what it knew. But she listened just like it did. All I needed was to keep her just underneath my thumb the exact same way I did with it.

Eskarina was my new dog now. She was more...difficult than him. Asked questions. Disobeyed.

All it needed was discipline. Consequence.

"Commander." I spoke.

Eskarina looked to me, tension in her eyes.

Good. She'll listen.

"Tomorrow, you will lead the firing squad for the execution."

Her eyes went wide.

"Do you object?"

She stood in silence before she lowered her head, Fists clenched.


I chuckled to myself.

See Nova? I don't need you. I can always find a new dog.

A/N: CHOO CHOO! All aboard the Roman Hate Train! Sorry the updates are so late, but now that college is finally over and I've graduated, I decided its finally time to get back into writing. A good friend of mine told me to never stop doing it, I promised I wouldn't. So I'm going to continue building my books and pursuing this weird, passion hobby of mine till the end of my days. I can't explain how much I've missed writing my books instead of essays upon essays of other works. Either way, I'm sorry for the wait!

Love you all!


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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2022 ⏰

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