A World Without Order

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1 month later


A month must have passed since I killed Nova. I don't remember. My perception of time during those few days were hazy. Every day his words would play through my mind,time after time. His eye's which swelled up with bloody tears as they fell down his cheeks.

His anger when his mother was burned in front of him, the desperation in his voice as he begged for her life. For his life to be taken in place of hers.

His body, twisting when he fell down the cliff side, breaking with each collision against the jagged edges of the cliff.

I remember the look in his eye's when he ordered for me to kill him.

After his death, I was appointed as the Commander of the Imperial Army.

Being Commander,especially as a woman was tough. Many of the soldiers talked down to me, I couldn't generate the fear Elena had,let alone Nova's. They were both incredibly charismatic in their own way, able to lead and discipline the troops.

I was...the opposite. While I kept a tough face and fought to keep troops in line, I'd often find myself going home wanting to cry my eyes out.

Home was home. Lukas had grown a lot, he'd just recently turned six years old. Bilquise started taking a...sassy shift in behaviour. She was stubborn, acted silly at times...I was beginning to think I had too much of a hand to play in her upbringing.

We didn't live in FireKeep anymore. After I was named new Commander, I was given so much platinum I didn't know what to do with it. I managed to buy my Family a Vineyard just outside the city, a lavish manor which grew some of the best grapes and berries used to make Ambroisiac wine. As the now sole supplier of the most popular wine in the North, as well as being the Commander of The Empire's army, I made more than enough coin to keep my family well fed.

Where before, feasts were rare and we'd nearly starve to death, barely getting through the week on scraps, now we were hosting balls, having grand feasts with roast bacon,able to hire the finest cooks to prepare our meals for us...

After I came home from a long day of training new recruits and working myself to a sweat, I'd make my way upstairs to my bedroom almost immediately.

It wasn't only my family that lived with me. In the room directly across from my own was where Emelenia stayed.

For most days,she would stay locked inside of her room. She never came out unless it was to eat or use the bathroom, and whenever she did, she'd get her business done, then leave.

Emelenia never spoke to us whenever she would eat at the table, despite our best efforts.

I could tell that Rey's death had hit her hard...

I'd given her his ring that he was meant to use to propose. I thought maybe it could give her some closure, or make her feel like he was still close by. She never took it off. The ring had already begun to form a purple circle round her right ring finger from how long she'd been wearing it.

Walking up to her door, I gave it a quick tap with my knuckles.

"Emmy?" I called.

No answer.

"Emmy, you okay love?"

"What do you want?" She asked.

"I just wanted to check on you."

"I'm fine, go away."

I let out a sigh, opening the door. Emmy's room was built bigger than the rest of the house. Hell, if it weren't her's, we could've used the space to build a whole new section of the house. It was made mainly to accommodate for her size when she shifted into her dragon form. Her wings were furled up, and her massive scaly body took up most of the room's space. She lay on her stomach, hot air coming from her nostrils. The floor was littered with shed skin, dead skin which crumbled to dust underneath my feet.

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