Chapter 6 - Shields

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Book: Together
Chapter 6
Word Count: 1252

Lilliana's POV

Everyone showed courage, though they knew that Aro's army was moving against them. Soon we would face the dark gifts of Jane and, worse, the paralyzing vapor of her brother, Alec, who could rob you of sight, sound and touch.

We were currently in the living room and I stood beside my sister as we all tried to figure out, if we did fight, what our plan would be.

"The twins, Jane and Alec, will try to take me out before anyone else, knowing that I'd be able to anticipate their moves." Edward informed his adoptive father.

"It's a shame that we can't have your shields." Garret said, looking between Bella and I.

"Our shields won't make us any better at fighting though." Bella stated with a sigh.

"No, but maybe you'll both be helping the rest of us if you learn to project it." Tanya told us.

"Shield someone else? Can we do that?" I questioned.

"Over time, gifts like yours can be developed." Carlisle informed us.

"My gift started out just in my palms, but now I can feel it radiating all over my body." Kate explained, glancing down at her hands.

"Can you teach us how?" I asked urgently. Kate looked hesitant, so Bella desperately grabbed her hand.

"Tell us."

"Ow." Kate whispered, Bella's newborn strength on her hand was hurting, so Bella quickly let go, feeling bad.


Bella and I stood beside eachother, facing Kate as we were training to project our powers while Jasper, Edward and Emmett stood beside us and watched.

"You have to visualize it. Try and visualize how it moves, the colour of it... now just imagine it expanding, and it'll go beyond you." Kate told us.

I used all of my concentration and felt a burst of energy leave my body. I tried moving it towards Jasper but I lost concentration.

"She needs motivation." Kate looked at Jasper. I knew that she was thinking, even if I wasn't a mind reader. It was obvious.


"It's alright, I'll handle it..." Jasper reassured me, stepping forward.

"Just focus, or Jasper's going to get hurt." Emmett smirked playfully. I swear that big teddy bear was always in a playful mood.

"B-but... but I'm not ready!" I shouted, going to stop them, but it was too late. Kate grabbed onto Jasper's arm and sent electric currents from her hand onto his arm, making Jasper hiss in pain and fall to his knees. "I'm so sorry! But I wasn't ready yet!"

"Dude, you need to try and motivate her a bit better than that!" Emmett chuckled. Jasper turned to glare at his adoptive brother.

"If you wanna try, Emmett, be my guest."

Emmett raised his hands in surrender, taking a step back.

I tried again. I felt a burst of energy leave my body. But it wasn't enough as Kate touched Jasper's neck, causing him to groan.

"Kate, stop it." I let out a growl as a warning.

"If you need more of a motivation, I'd be happy to go and see if Rosalice is awake." Kate smirked, making me growl louder and glare at Kate.

"Don't even joke about things like that." I warned.

"Fine. I'm putting this one on full power. Be ready!" Kate held up her hand.

Oh god, why did I agree to do this!?

Jasper looked at me with wide eyes and then closed them and held his arm up. I used all of my concentration and felt the burst of energy again as it left my body, going towards Jasper. Kate grabbed onto Jasper's arm, immediately using her powers to electrocute him with full power.

But Jasper didn't fall to his knees, groaning in pain. Instead, he remained still. I smiled proudly, glad that I finally did it.

Jasper opened his eyes and looked down at his arm. When Kate lifted her hand from his arm, Jasper turned towards me.

"I can still feel the pain slightly, but it's at least bearable."

"Okay, let's try this again then!" I grinned, glad that I was getting the hang of my powers.

"Emmett, do you wanna have a go?" Jasper wondered. Emmett's eyes widened.

"Um... no thanks, I'll just watch..."


During the night, I was in my daughter's room. There was basically no need to have a crib for Rosalice anymore so we got her a bed. Rosalice lay in her bed, laying beside me as I read her a bedtime story.

When I finished reading, I looked down at Rosalice, noticing that she was asleep. I gently closed the book shut and turned to the lamp, turning it off.

"Mum?" Rosalice softly called out to me.

"Yes, honey?" I hummed in response, running my fingers through Rosalice's silky blonde locks. Rosalice opened her eyes and looked up at me.

"Is it true that Auntie Alice left us because we're all going to die soon?" My sweet, innocent baby girl asked. I looked down at her, frowning at her words.

"No. Actually, I think Auntie Alice left to protect us. And that is what all of these new people are doing here. They're here to protect us. To keep all of us safe. Especially you and Ness." I explained, running my hand through my daughter's hair. "No one is ever going to hurt you, I won't let that happen. I promise." I kissed Rosalice's forehead. "Come on, honey, you should go to sleep."

When Rosalice was finally sound asleep, I slowly and quietly walked out of her room and towards the living room. I sat down on the couch and read over Alice's note she gave us. I looked up when I heard the door close, knowing that it was my husband.

"It's weird. Physically, I feel like there is nothing I can't do. But mentally, I... I feel so drained." I told Jasper as he sat down beside me.

"Maybe a bath might help." Jasper suggested, making a small smile appear on my face. He leant over and started to undo the buttons on my shirt. I turned to look at him again.

"I do know how to remove my clothes myself." I chuckled.

"Yeah, but I'm way better at doing it for you." Jasper smirked, making me chuckle again. "Lily?" I hummed in response. "I've underestimated you plenty of times before. But you've overcame every obstacle that has come your way. You... you are the reason that they have something to fight for. They have a family." Jasper explained. I pressed my lips against his, and then we pulled away from eachother after a few seconds. "I need to check up on a few things at the main house. I won't be long." Jasper kissed my forehead, and then left.

I looked over the note again and flipped it over to read the title on the back again. I recognised the title somewhere. I then quickly jumped up and sped over to the bookshelf. I yanked 'The Merchant of Venice' off the shelf and flipped it open to the title page.

There, next to the feathered edge left by the torn page, under the words 'The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare', was a note.

J. Jenks, Seattle — destroy this.

I quickly threw the book into the fire before I walked towards the bathroom, running the hot water for the bath.

Alice made sure only I would get the message because only mine and Bella's minds would be safe from Aro's.

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