Chapter 10 - The battle begins

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Book: Together
Chapter 10
Word Count: 2578

Lilliana's POV

I walked through the woods with Bella. We were pricking our fingers and rubbing blood onto trees and bushes to distract the newborns for the battle. Bella had told me that Edward had proposed to her, I was beyond happy for my dear twin sister.

I walked over to a tree with blood oozing from my finger, and ran my finger across the tree trunk, smudging blood onto it.

"This is more than enough." I had a voice from behind me. I turned around and saw Jasper and Edward. I walked up to Jasper as Bella walked over to Edward.

"We can't exactly do much when the battle begins, we at least want to help as best as we can." I stated. I noticed Jasper's eyes glued to my bleeding finger. I pulled it away and out of sight to him. "It's alright Jasper, I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable."

"It stopped bothering me when I spent hours thinking that you were dead." Jasper replied. I nodded.

"We need to get going!" A voice called. Jasper and I turned around and saw Embry with no shirt on and his hands in his trouser pockets.

"I'll see you soon." Jasper whispered to me. He gave me a quick peck on the lips and then stepped back. I walked up to Embry. I watched as Jasper ran off with his vamp speed. Embry picked me up bridal style and began running in the direction of the mountains, where Jasper left a second ago, and where Jake ran off with Bella a while before that.


During the night, it was freezing. It was worse than freezing!! I was shivering like mad, wrapped up in layers of clothes and a sleeping bag.

"I'm sorry that we chose such a high place to stay for the night." Jasper apologized, sitting beside me. Edward and Bella were in the tent beside us, and Embry and Jake were outside, sleeping in their wolf forms.

"No, I'm o-okay..." I stuttered, shivering more.

"Tell me what I can do." Jasper muttered, desperate. Before I could reply, the tent opened up and Embry stepped through.

"Jake went to check on Edward and Bella, s-- woah, you look freezing, Lily." Embry commented. Embry was about to come closer to me, but Jasper seemed to guess what he was going to do as his hand shot towards Embry and grabbed his arm to stop him.

"No, don't even think about it." Jazz hissed.

"Get your hand off of my arm before I rip it off of your body." Embry growled out.

"Hey! D-don't fight" I said, still shivering like crazy. After a moment of silence, Jasper released Embry's arm and gave him a small nod. The wolf came up to me and I let him go under the blanket that was over my sleeping bag.

Embry pulled me into his chest and I melted against him, loving his warmth. I felt Embry shiver slightly, which was very rare considering his body heat.

"Woah, you are so cold, Lily..." Embry whispered. "You'll be warm soon enough." Embry rested his cheek on the top of my head. I felt myself beginning to drift off to sleep, feeling myself warming up. I slowly began to stop shivering and fell asleep.


The next morning, I exited the tent a few seconds before Bella did. I walked up to her and hugged her, just as a wolf walked up to us. It looked like Jake, but I realised that it was Seth.

"Hello Seth!" I greeted the youngest wolf with a small smile. Jasper and Edward then came over to us.

"Where did Jacob and Embry go?" Bella asked the boys. 

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