Chapter 13 - End Of Twilight

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Book: Together
Chapter 13
Word Count: 1782

Lilliana's POV

I woke up to a white light around me that temporarily blinded me from how bright it was, and also an annoying beeping noise in the background. My eyes fell on Renée.

"M-mum? What...--" I began.

"Sshhhhh..." Renée cut me off. "It's glad to see you awake, Lils."

"I-is... Is jasper here?" I choked out. I needed water.

"He's asleep at the moment." Renée gestured to the couch in the corner where Jasper was asleep on. Or should I say, pretending to be asleep. "He refuses to leave your side, and your Dad is with Bella in her room."

"Mum... What happened to me?" I asked weakly.

"When you tripped, you broke your leg and you lost a lot of blood in one of your arms and your other leg. Do you even remember any of this?" I shook my head. "Carlisle, Jasper and Edward went to the hotel that you and Bella were staying in just on the outskirts of Pheonix, but Bella tripped while running away from them in frustration and she fell down the stairs. She had hold of your hand so she accidentally pulled you down with her. Bella stopped falling at the bottom of the stairs, but you carried on rolling and crashed right through a window. That's why Bella is a little less injured than you are, she's just got a concussion and blood loss in the head." Renée explained.

"Oh, I remember now." I lied, I knew the proper cause of my injuries. Renée's phone then rang, she had received a text.

"Oh, it's Phil. He's been so worried, I better tell him that you're awake." Renée said.

"Since when did you start texting?" I questioned, knowing how extremely bad my Mum was when it came to technology.

"Yeah, finally. Phil wanted to come down, but I told him to wait in Florida as we'll return shortly." Renée stated. What did she mean by 'we'? "Honey, Jacksonville is amazing! You'll adjust to the heat, but you'll love the house that we have! You and Bella will both get a bathroom to yourselves, and--"

"No! Mum, I love Forks. I want to live in Forks." I whispered. Renée furrowed her eyebrows, looking confused. "I want to stay and live with Dad in Forks, and I know Bella wants to live here too." I said.

"We'll discuss this more later..." Renée muttered, stroking my hair softly.

"Can you please go get Dad from Bella's room? I'd really like to apologise to him about leaving." I murmured.

"Okay, I'll go and check on Bella again." Renée stated. She gave me a kiss on the forehead, and then got up and left.

The second that my Mum left, Jasper stood up from the couch and came over to me, sitting on the edge of my hospital bed.

"What happened to James?" I asked.

"Dead. And his mate, Victoria, ran off in fear of us." Jasper answered, holding my hand in his.

"If it wasn't for you, I'd be dead." I whispered.

"No, you're wrong. You could've died because of me." Jasper responded. "Lily, you have to go with your mother to Jacksonville. I won't be able to hurt you anymore if you go."

"No! No, I won't go! I won't leave you! Y-You can't leave me! I'm staying!! I need you! Just NO!" I panicked. Jasper gave my hand a squeeze.

"Ssshhh, it's okay. I need you too." Jasper said. He leant over and planted a kiss on my forehead.


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