Chapter 13: The Journey Continues

Start from the beginning

As she began walking away from the group, she said in a lower voice, "And uh, y'all can call me Jo if you want, ok?"

As the group dispersed outside the lobby, Mr. Diderot swung an arm around Mrs. Diderot and whispered, "Hey uh, think you can take the kids back to the cottage without me? I wanna talk to the guy over there for a sec."

He pointed to the man in green, who walked further away from the lobby and looked around the resort, presumably plotting his next move.

"Him? Why is that? I think he's got enough thanks from us already if it's about last night."

He leaned closer to her, glancing at the twins approaching the snowy hill with Ari, talking with a girl staying at the resort.

"I dunno if you noticed, but the kids are acting oddly friendly with that strange man. I mean, Eila will talk with anyone if we let her, but Tommy?"

Mrs. Diderot leaned her head closer to her husband's, "Up to you if you want to ask him some questions, and I'm also curious, but I really could use a warm shower and a nap. Preferably a two-hour nap on a nice, cozy bed."

She rubbed the bridge of her nose with two fingers, the bags under her eyes stretching with her motions. Mr. Diderot could not help chuckling, as he too coveted sleeping on a real bed for once.

As he lifted his arm off her shoulders, he kissed her on the forehead and said, "Alright, alright...I'll go do some interrogating, you go get some rest. I can take the kids out for swimming if they feel like it. Between you and me though, I'm hoping to catch some sleep too."

Mrs. Diderot grinned and closed her eyes, slowly walking toward the twins as she opened them again. With a sigh, she placed one hand on their heads, glancing back at her husband while he approached the man in green. Fortunately, the man had stopped near the parking lot and was observing his surroundings, thinking about a way to contact his informant.

And so, Tomas and Eila spent the afternoon inside their cabin, having a warm bath, checking out Eila's photos on her camera, and playing with Ari and Nino. Mrs. Diderot enveloped herself in the thick blankets of her bed and allowed her body to sink into the mattress, falling asleep instantly. This left the twins free to watch television and drink hot chocolate, with Nino purring happily at Tomas' feet. At last, they had found peace and quiet after a hectic trip.

Mr. Diderot arrived at the cabin about an hour later, with the man in green in tow. The twins, sitting on the carpet floor, looked up to them with mouths agape.

"Heheh. Wondering why your friend is here? Well surprise, he's staying at the resort for tonight!"

Mr. Diderot gave a big grin as he talked, while the man looked around the cabin, occasionally stopping to observe paintings on the walls.

Of course, the twins were more than delighted to hang out with their friend for a little longer. After dinner, Tomas and Eila showed him the feathers received from the snow guardian, observing its white and silver shine. He briefly explained its possible magical properties, though Tomas was slightly dismayed after hearing the feather would not be able to shoot beams and shards of ice. The man inferred that, at most, it could summon small amounts of snow around the person holding the feather; while it would look pretty, its practical use would be limited to an interactive snow globe.

Mr. Diderot, who left to bathe and check on Mrs. Diderot earlier, stood by the doorframe between the kitchen and the main room where the twins sat beside the man in green, wholly invested in conversations about the animals in Eila's photos.

He placed one hand on his hip and muttered, "Heh, got me a zoologist and a photographer here. Hope you don't mind them questioning you, Mr. Traveler."

Eila turned to face her father, saying, "Its Mr. Green, dad!"

Mr. Diderot chuckled, yet was a little sad recalling the man's tale about how the twins met him in the forest, yet had kept it hidden from their parents for so long. Sure, the man explained he told them to keep quiet, which made Mr. Diderot suspect his intentions. However, seeing his children talk to him so nonchalantly, completely interested in his travel stories, made him proud.

It was around 9:00 p.m. when Mrs. Diderot woke up from her long nap and went to the bathroom, seeing her children settling on their bed with drowsy eyes and Nino curled up with them. She mustered the energy to give both a kiss, wishing them goodnight. Her husband had made dinner for the children and their guest earlier, leaving some rice with beans and potatoes for her.

The man in green reclined on a couch by the fireplace, which had been doused when the twins became tired. Ari slept on the floor beside him as he stared at the ceiling, occasionally hearing the Diderot couple talk in the kitchen.

The man in green closed his eyes, though he felt sleep would not come to him easily. Precisely, the Diderot couple approached him mere ten minutes later, looking tired yet serious.

"Disturbing my slumber, are we?", said the man, keeping his eyes half-open.

Mr. Diderot shook his head, "C'mon now, you weren't sleeping at all. You look more tense than anything. Probably means you're feeling the pressure too, right?"

Mrs. Diderot sat on one of the bean bag chairs, crossing her arms over her chest. She sighed and said, "I feel like that nap did nothing. Ah well, we can make small conversation in the meantime..."

The man glanced at the two, noticing how tight-lipped and doubtful they were, and Mr. Diderot made it obvious with his fidgeting hands and shifty eyes.

"Ah, but light conversations are not the reason you approached me, I feel." The man then slowly rose from his reclined position, sitting on one side of the couch. The shifting noises of the couch made Ari's frills rise slightly before resting again.

After a long pause, Mrs. Diderot said in a low voice, "We've had some very rough times these past days. Hmph, to think this was supposed to be a time to relax, forget our troubles for a while." She sighed heavily, "And now, to think we're being followed by some unknown things, that our kids put themselves in danger like that...I don't know how much I can bear all this."

She covered her face with her hands, bringing them up to her scalp. Underneath her dark hair, a few light grey strands peeked from under her fingers as she combed her mane. Once done, she placed her hands on her legs and sighed.

Mr. Diderot walked behind her, placing his hands on her shoulders. "You uh, remember our talk earlier, mister? You know more about what's going on, so what can we do?"

The man in green placed one finger on his chin, "I believe the best option for you is to leave immediately, for you should not risk another night here."

"Hmm, yeah, that's what we were thinking. Going home is our best shot at this point."

Mrs. Diderot nodded, then said, "We plan to cut our stay short, though the kids won't be happy about the news. For their sake, we leave tomorrow in the afternoon, give them time to enjoy the resort a little more."

The man in green said, "A marvelous plan, however disappointing it will be to the children. And yet, I believe they will understand why very clearly, for they witnessed the events unfold firsthand. As for me, I believe I will head to Zephyr Town next, for that is closest to my friend's home."

Mr. Diderot perked up, saying, "Woah there, Zephyr Town? Isn't that place just a small detour south of here? Why, we could drop ya off there!"

The man quickly raised one hand, waving it as to deny their offer. "That will not be necessary, really. I can walk there on my own."

Mrs. Diderot raised one eyebrow, "Walk? Are you serious? It would take you an entire day to stroll there. Please, think of it as our thanks for what you've done for us."

The man in green accepted the offer with a resigned shrug, which was enough for the tired couple to retreat into the bedroom with the twins. As he placed his legs on the couch, using his coat as a makeshift blanket, the man reflected on their generosity and kindness. He found it difficult to remember the last time he slept on soft material and a warm, safe environment.

"What an interesting family, they are. To aid a stranger as I without second thoughts, even when they do not fully trust me. Humans truly are complex creatures..."

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