32- Taehyung's gift.

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Taehyung turns around towards jk, and jk was stunned to see taehyung wearing only a silk red robe around his body. It's loosely clinging from his shoulders. His collarbones and chest were visible for jk's starving eyes. Jk was spellbound by taehyung's sexy outfit. That dark satin red makes his body more delicious and enriching the pale milky white skin of him. Jk gulped nervously. Need to say that he is again turned on. Taehyung is a powerful seducer.

(Imagine red robe instant of white

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(Imagine red robe instant of white...fuck...he is hella hottt🔥🤒...in edits too.)

"I came to give you your present, kookie."

Jk can see, how hard taehyung try not to freak out. His body is visibly shaking.

"You already gave me the best gift of my life, love. By accepting me. You are wearing my ring on your finger, taetae. What I want more?"

"Th...that gift is from grandpa. I...I didn't gift you anything yet, kookie." Taehyung fumble with the cloth.

Jk smile on taehyung's nervous gesture.

"What you gonna give me, tae? I don't see any gift in your hands?" Jk teased him with a smirk on his lips....but the next word from taehyung makes him totally paralyzed.

"I...I'm presenting myself to you, kookie. I'm your gift."

Jk's mind refused to work. Did he hear the right? Did it mean the same, which he thought it could be?

"I...I don't understand, tae?"

There is a pin drop silence between them for a few seconds...before...

Tae's hand goes toward the strings of his rob...his fingers trembling with excitement, and nervousness, he is not able to watch in the eyes of jk. He close the eyes and... pulls the thread.

His rob completely fell down from his body, and he shivers when the cold air touched his exposed heated skin. Taehyung hissed as the coldness engulf his hot body...he turned red with embarrassment. This is the first time he allows himself to be nude in front of someone. He is a shy mess.

I'm not your Cinderella.( Taekook ff)✔Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora