23- Declaration.

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"Fuckk...the way to go!!?"

"What are you say??"

"Nothing. Just tell her to meet me tomorrow at my office."

"But she nagging to meet you right now, and don't say but creating quite a scene too!!"

"I don't care what she does. I..I'm not in a position to meet anyone right now. I have a big issue to solve first." Jk looking at his hard bulge, which is still refused to calm down. Jk needs to attend his junior or he may be rushing to his kitten room and eat him raw...!! He is suffering from sex starvation. He didn't lay down for months now, and he can't even think about anyone else than his baby boy...to please himself. He forgot the count, how many cold showers he had to take during this last week!!?? He fears, he perhaps lost his caliber, if he can't able woo his kitten soon...

'God!!...please, please make my baby boy fall for me. I'm dying to receive his love and fuckkkk....can't wait to devour that body too. I'm gonna insane. How could you make that gorgeous person and keep him untouched for me!? Well, I should thank you for that. Ok!! No complaint. He is worth of waiting.'

"Hello...jk? Are you there?" Namjoon asked.

Jk gets out of his inner discussion.

"Let her know the power you have joon. You are free to do whatever to save the situation. If she wants to meet me, she can only by tomorrow. Feel free to short out the issue don't bother me." He cut the call and rushed to the bathroom.

On the other hand, taehyung is equally frustrated. He leaned to his room door and remind the complete scene inside the lift. He realizes that he can't withstand jk's obsession over him. He remembers how willingly he was ready to fulfill jk's demands. And why the fuck...he enjoyed it in first place!? He felt helpless.

"I need to stay away from him. I can't give him power over me like this." He hurriedly takes his bag and rushed to the bathroom to change these clothes. He decided, he never ever wears these types of cloths, not because of jk....absolutely not for his order...it's because he didn't like it in the first place. He changed his oversized t-shirt and pants and fold those clothes and put them on a chair. He packed his belonging and call jimin that he is going back to his village.

"What?? You can't leave like this taetae. Don't seokjin hyung told you? everyone who worked for big hit company should present at the new office tomorrow. Our staff taking over to that management and we all getting our personal studio too. Isn't it exciting!! I'm surprised, why hyung didn't tell you about it?"

Taehyung stunned with realization. He is still a part of this company and by law, he has to follow the rules. But, it's not his dream career now. Specifically when jk will be his new boss now!! He can't stay around him.

"Oh!! Maybe he forgot to tell me in rush. But...but I don't want to carry this job anymore chim. I need to go back."

"What? Why? Why you sound so serious taehyung? Let me come to you. We need to talk. Where are you?"

"Our room"

"I will be there. Don't go anywhere, ok?"

Jimin reached to their room and saw taehyung already packed his bag! He looked at his friend's gloomy face and understand, the matter is serious.

Taehyung explains everything to jimin. how he and jk met the first time to how jk declare his love for him. He also told him how jk promise him not to force himself on him, but also can't ready to leave him alone anymore.

Jimin silently listens to everything taehyung told. He observes the faded mark on his neck and also his swollen lips too...

He shaking his head at his friend's innocence.

I'm not your Cinderella.( Taekook ff)✔Where stories live. Discover now