episode 2: growing up

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It has been six years now..
The Duke and Duchess tried to keep DAIYU at their estate everytime so that she can be safe and not be intimidated by other children,but DAIYU will regularly sneak out of the house to go out to play .

When ever she goes out stories about her look and completion will start to spread but she never cared about it,the only people she cared and also wish will understand was her parents who always wanted her to be indoor.

She saw herself like other kids and never worried about her skin colour.
Not until this faithful day when she went out and tried to approach a child and the mother drew him back and insulted her with her colour.

She couldn't hold back her tears and ran back home meeting her parents also waiting for her because they already heard about it  .

She was heartbroken and refused to eat for two day making her parents worried if something bad might happen to her since they don't know why she has a dark skin.

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