chapter 4

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Chapter 4

                "Wake up, Static!  We've got to get moving!" someone said as they shook me.  I slowly opened my optics and saw Ratchet looking down at me.  I sighed as I felt something within my spark.  I clutched my chest in pain.  Ratchet did nothing.  He already knew what was wrong.   "Ironhide called last night after Jazz gave them a report of our progress.  He was frantic and feared the worst.  I would have woken you up to speak to him, but you needed your rest.  Maybe you should check in with him on our way to the core."

                "N-no," I said as I sent calmness to Ironhide.  "He doesn't need distractions from his work.  The sooner Iacon is repaired, the better.  Besides, he should know I don't go down so easily," I smiled.

                Ratchet chuckled.  "You haven't changed a bit.  I'm glad."

                I stood up next to him.  "Let's get rolling."  We transformed and was on the move again. 

                We stopped at a door, or rather, a gate.  A large one.  The pull I felt in my spark was stronger than ever.  I transformed.  "This is it."

                Ratchet transformed and looked up at the gate.  "You're sure this is the place?"

                "Positive.  I feel the presence of primus.  Now we just have to figure out how to open this thing."

                "The answer is simple," Ratchet stated.  "Omega Supreme."

                "Omega Supreme?"

                "You've never heard of him?" Ratchet asked with surprise.  I shook my head.  "He's the guardian of the gates to Cybertron's core.  However, I don't know if he made if off Cybertron.  If he didn't, he should be near.  He should sense your Primeship and come to us."

                "Very well.  I guess we wait.  We have no other option." 

                Before we knew it, we heard heavy footsteps.  We looked up and saw lasers pointed at us.  When they got out of my eyes, I saw the biggest Autobot I had ever seen in my life.  I looked at Ratchet with my optics wide.  He nodded in confirmation.  It was Omega Supreme.  I looked back to the giant as he began to speak.

                "Omega Supreme recognizes Static Prime as Cybertron's last Prime," he said in a loud, deep voice.

                "Go ahead and give him your command.  He'll obey you," Ratchet told me.

                Here goes nothing, I thought.  "Omega Supreme! Open the gates to Cybertron's core!"

                "Yes, Static Prime." 

                A few seconds later, the gates began to open.  Ratchet and I took a step back in awe.  Once they were open, I thanked Omega Supreme and we walked through.  It was a long passageway.  The end of it came soon enough.  It opened up to a large area, extremely large.  The room was dominated by none other than the core of Cybertron.  Larger than life is a phrase one may use to describe it.  It was an amazing sight to behold.  Few ever got the chance to lay their eyes upon Cybertron's core.

                I felt the presence of Primus all around me.  It was time to bring my creator back to life.  I spared Ratchet a glance before I charged the static throughout my body.

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