chapter 2

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Chapter 2

                They immediately stopped their cheering when they felt the cold, dreariness that I was already well aware of.

                "W-what happened?  What's wrong with it?" Arcee asked.

                "It's dead.  That's what," I answered.  "I'm going to take care of that little issue.  However, there's bound to be hostile life forms here taking advantage of all the free space.  Blaster, is Teletraan 1 online?"

                "That's a negative.  Went offline when Cybertron did."

                "Scrap!" I exclaimed.  "Alright.  Ratchet, it looks like we're gonna be goin in with light defense.  They need what Ironhide packed so that they can secure Iacon.  We'll have to use the weapons we are already equipped with along with our medical gear.  But if push comes to shove, I'll have to use my ability.  I'm going to try to save up my energy for the core."  I turned to Jazz and the others.  "Jazz, I want you to send in two attack forces of three inside the perimeter of Iacon to secure the area.  Have another three on standby for backup.  Everyone else needs to stay onboard The Ark for safety.  Once the city is secure, then, and only then, you may begin reconstruction.  If anyone is in need of medical attention, you can wait till Ratchet and I get back or you can have Jolt and Knockout take a look if it's severe enough.  Any questions?"

                "Nope!  I understand ya loud and clear!" Jazz said with enthusiasm.

                "Alright.  Ratchet, lets hit it!"  I transformed and Ratchet did the same.  I drove off in the opposite direction of Iacon with Ratchet following.  After a few minutes, he spoke.

                "Do you even know where Cybertron's core is?"

                "Of course I do!" I said without hesitation.  In all honesty, I didn't know where it was.  I felt a pull and decided to follow it.  What it would lead me to, I had no idea.  I really didn't know how it could even be Cybertron's core since the planet is dead.  Nevertheless, I still followed it.  It could have been Primus kindly leading me there without knocking me out like he had a habit of doing.


                Our journey did not go smoothly as we had hoped.  A few hours in, I was attacked on my left flank.  I transformed and rolled to a stop.  I pushed myself off of the ground as I saw Ratchet transform and take up a defensive stance.  There was nothing in sight.  I withdrew my two blades and willed them to extend into swords.  Whatever was out there, it wasn't showing itself for a reason.  I wasn't sure if I wanted to know.  Ratchet and I exchanged glances.  Our situation was not favorable.  Suddenly, something hit my from the right out of nowhere.  I fell to the ground and stabbed at it before it disappeared back into the ground.  Ratchet had caught sight of what it was.

                "Insecticon!" he exclaimed.  His hand transformed into his surgical saw.  The most efficient way of taking out an insecticon was by melee.  Everyone was trained to know and understand that as a sparkling.  But one thing was for sure.  These creatures never travelled alone.

                I quickly got back up and made my way over to Ratchet.  We had to cover each other's backs.  "Slice and dice!" I commanded.  "We're not going down!  Not after we've come this far!"  That was when the entire hoard dug out of the ground at once. 

                We were both quickly overwhelmed by them.  They had us on our backs and were chewing away at our armor.  That seemed to be the end.  I never thought I would go out like this.  I reached my hand up through the insecticons mounded on top of me, clutching at the last bit of life it seemed I would get. 

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