chapter 10

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Chapter 10

                I watched as the Ark landed in the landing zone.  A few minutes later, the landing gear came down and the Autobots filed out one by one, Jazz in the front and Grimlock in the back.  I smiled at the sight of the Autobots returning home.  But Optimus...  I shook the thought from my head.  He was alright.  He had to be.  I approached the arrivals.

                Sideswipe jumped on me, hugging me.  The force nearly knocked me to the ground. 

                "I missed you!  Sunny missed you!"  Sunstreaker stood next to us, grinning.

                "I missed you guys too.  So many things have changed since you left.  I'll send you a new map later."  I pried Sideswipe off of me and addressed all of them.

                "Welcome back, brothers and sisters.  It's been a long time since you left.  Much has been accomplished.  However, that can be discussed at a later point in time as well as what happened on Earth.   Drift, Bumblebee, you and the others are going to have to take a trip to the medical bay.  No exceptions.  Ratchet is waiting for you."  I looked to Prowl who was standing to my left.  "Prowl, escort them there.  Jazz, twins, and triplets, you will all report to your quarters and get a well deserved recharge.  The Dinobots will be staying with me for examinations."

                Prowl nodded and took Bumblebe, Drift, Crosshairs, and Hound to Ratchet's medical bay.  Jazz, Sideswipe, Sunstreaker, Elita 1, Chromia, and Arcee left to their quarters.  I looked up at the Dinobots as they looked down at me.  Time to lay down some ground rules.  I was going to have to be rough since these guys never liked to listen.

                "You will all not destroy anything.  You will remain calm and protect the Autobots at all costs should a threat come up.  You will do as I say since Optimus commanded the Autobots before and I am now the commander.  Do I make myself clear?"

                Grimlock lowered his head to the ground in submission.  The other Dinobots followed his lead.

                "Good.  Now transform so that I am able to scan you better."  They all transformed.  I was going to have to get used to the height difference. 

                I scanned them all and fixed their injuries, which were all minor.

                "You may roam Cybertron as you please.  However, you will come when I call upon you."  I dismissed them and turned and walked to the medical bay.


                "How are they?" I asked Ratchet.  He was currently doing what looked to be some major work on Hound.  They all looked weak, but Ratchet was taking care of it since he had them all hooked up to energon pumps.

                "Minor injuries, mostly," he replied.  "Nothing that doesn't have a simple fix."

                "Good work, Ratchet."  I looked at Drift.  He didn't need me to say anything else.

                "It was just like you said.  The humans started hunting us down with the help of Lockdown.  They nearly got Optimus a couple of times.  He ordered us to cease all contact with the humans.  We got separated.  The four of us met up, but Optimus didn't come until later.  He brought humans with him.  He said that we owed them since they sacrificed their lives for him.  Lockdown was going to give the humans a seed that cyberformed the area it was set off in.  They were using the metal that it made to create their own Cybertronians.  We took the seed away and then Megatron came back as Galvatron.  A great battle took place over possession of the seed.  Optimus, Crosshairs, the Dinobots, and I came just in time.  We won.  Optimus killed Lockdown.  Optimus told us to protect the human family.  He took the seed with him when he left.  A few weeks later, Jazz and the others arrived and brought us back here."

                "That's quite a story.  I'm glad a primary threat was eliminated.  We have nothing to worry about now.  Thank you for your bravery," I said.

                "Prime, I'm honored, but what about Galvatron?  He's still out there," Drift said with worry.

                "Though I did not anticipate the rebirth of Megatron, I do not believe he will be a threat to Cybertron.  I believe he will go into hiding.  He seeks a seed, which there are no more of.  He will not find what he is looking for.  He will go into hiding and rust in peace.  There is nothing to worry about, my Autobot brethren.  Even if there are other threats to us, which there may very well be, the Dinobots will help defend us as well as Omega Supreme.  For now, rejoice.  We have won the war, and we are at peace on our home planet for the first time in ages."

                "Very well, Static Prime.  You are right."

                "I know I am," I said as I crossed my arms.

                Ratchet chuckled as he finished working on Hound.  "You may all go rest now.  We had your quarters all reserved during assignments."

                I sent everyone detailed maps of Cybertron.  The mechs all went to go rest, and I stayed with Ratchet.

                "You really think we're safe?" he asked.

                "I believe it with my spark.  We will be at peace for a long time."

                The chief medical officer smiled.  "Good.  Ironhide was looking for you.  He said he would be in your quarters."

                "Thank you."

                I left the medical bay and walked into our quarters.  Ironhide was lying on the berth, looking up at the ceiling.  I walked over and lied down next to him.  "You wanted me?"

                "Mmm..." He turned towards me and pulled me close to him.  "You know, I've been thinking.  Cybertron needs to be repopulated, correct?"

                "Correct," I replied.  Where was he going with this?

                "Well, what do you say we get it started?"

                "What do you mean?" I asked in confusion.

                "Would you like to have a sparkling?" he asked with a large smile on his face.

                I gasped and grinned.  "I'd love to!"

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