Chapter 3: To Be Trusted Is a Greater Compliment...

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Chapter 3: To Be Trusted Is a Greater Compliment


Sweat was trickling down Tabitha's face by the time she jogged back down Bobby's driveway, despite the still cool fall air. The last several hundred feet, she slowed to a walk, trying to cool down her exerted muscles. When she reached the front porch, she braced her arm on the railing, bending over to stretch her muscles as they continued cooling.

Suddenly she felt the headphones of her iPod ripped out of her ears.

"Where the hell have you been?" Dean demanded. "We woke up and you were gone."

She gestured down at her sweat covered running pants and zip-up sweatshirt. "I went for a run. No big deal. You guys were still sleeping, and I didn't want to wake you."

Dean calmed down by a few degrees as he stood on the steps of the porch, running a hand through his hair. "Just… leave a note next time. Scared the crap out of us when we couldn't find you. Especially after last night."

"All right," she sighed. "I'm sorry. I'm just not used to having to tell anyone what I'm doing or where I'm going."

She paused to give her brother a dramatic and playful hug as she climbed the steps, laughing as he tried to push her away.

"Ugh, gross," he complained, pushing at her shoulders. "You stink. What is with this sick obsession you and Sam have for running when nothing is chasing you? Didn't you get enough exercise last night?"

She jogged up the steps and into the house, taking note of her younger brother at the table eating breakfast and reading the paper.

"I was just out jogging," she called to Sam, "since Dean informs me that the two of you were so worried."

Her little brother didn't even look up. "Huh, yeah. Jogging. I told Dean it would be something like that."

Tabitha pinned her older brother with a smug smile. "See. He wasn't worried about me. I'm going to take a shower," she called over her shoulder as she jogged up the steps.


Tabitha dropped into a chair between her brothers, plunking her laptop on the table along with a plate of scrambled eggs from the stove.

"Thanks for saving me some bacon," she complained as she powered on her computer.

"I don't get it," Dean said. "Why would you eat bacon after doing the whole running for fitness thing?"

Tabitha took a piece of toast from Dean's plate. "I run so I can eat bacon. So save me some next time." Plus, she added to herself, running always helps with the guilt from a rare cigarette or my chocolate addiction.

They ate in silence for a time as the men read the various papers Bobby usually received and Tabitha checked her email. 

But it didn't last for long, and soon Dean was telling them about Castiel invading his dreams and what the angel had told him. Tabitha kept her head down and her attention on her laptop, afraid if she looked up, one of her brothers would see something in her face that gave her away. Guilt ate at her for keeping the whole hearing-the-angel's-voice thing a secret, but she was more worried about telling them the truth than keeping it from them.

"Can you believe this, Tab? What do you think, if you believe in angels and God, do you believe in the Devil, too?" Dean asked her after posing the same question of their brother.

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