Chapter 22: Caught Up in the Rapture

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A/N: Anyone still reading this? I think only one person reviewed the last chapter. Let me know if you guys still want to read this or if you've lost interest.


Chapter 22: Caught Up in the Rapture


The moisture from Sam's shower was steaming up the mirror as Tabitha braced her leg over the sink just outside the bathroom to shave her legs. She didn't even want to think about how hot he had to have the water turned up to to be creating so much steam that it was fogging the mirror even through the closed bathroom door. It might have been fun to lecture him about how bad the hot water was for his skin, but she wasn't sure any of them were ready for teasing. Not after giving a hunter's funeral to a brother they hadn't even known existed a week before.

Tabitha herself wasn't sure what to think about their brother Adam. In her heart, she thought that he was probably better off having never gotten into the mess they'd spent their lives in—and at least now, he never would. She wasn't sure if it was morbid that she sort of envied that her little brother was dead and didn't have the worries she and her other brothers still did. But she guessed that it probably was.

Adam was in a better place. That's what she kept telling herself.

She hoped it was a better place. Though she was beginning to have some doubts about Heaven.

Truthfully, she really envied the life that Adam had gotten to live. It was one she and her other brothers had never been granted. Much as their father had said he wanted her out of the life, he'd been one of the first and most frequent of hunters calling to use her for her new FBI connections when he thought it might help him out in some way.

Adam had at least lived his whole life thinking the world was what it showed on the surface. Not knowing what really lurked beneath the glossy veneer of life. Until his final moments anyway. But the Winchester curse still found him, and he had died bloody and brutal.

At least he hadn't lived in fear of the end that found him.

Wasn't it better to live never knowing what kind of end was coming for you?

Tabitha paused as she rinsed off her razor in the running water of the sink, wiping away the condensation on the mirror to look herself in the eye. The eyes that looked back at her were cold and hollowed by dark circles, holding no illusion in them. Those eyes knew that the end waiting for her and her remaining brothers was going to be brutal and bloody. She saw no other end for them. The only question was when.

She frowned and turned back to the remaining foam on her leg, twisting a bit to reach the side of her calf. It was no use dwelling on what awaited them or when. First, they needed to do their part to stop the apocalypse from coming. No sense worrying about some monster tearing them to shreds if the apocalypse wiped out the world first. They needed to worry about one thing at—

The door swung open, smacking into Tabitha's elbow.

"Dammit," she growled as her razor slipped and sliced into the thin skin over her anklebone, blood immediately trickling down to her foot.

"Sorry, Tabby," Sam hissed as he pulled a t-shirt over his head, leaning towards the sink as Tabitha hopped a little and twisted to keep the blood dripping into the porcelain bowl.

Tabitha glared up into the mirror at her brother leaning over her shoulder to assess the cut. "Could you be a little careful in your lumbering, Bigfoot?"

Instead of returning the glare for her comment, Sam seemed transfixed by the cut, leaning closer over her shoulder with a strange look on his face. When his eyes widened and his nostrils flared, Tabitha threw an elbow nervously into his stomach and pointedly cleared her throat. "Ya wanna back off there, Sasquatch? I'm kinda bleeding all over here and I don't need your help with that."

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