Chapter 24: The Rising of The Morning Star

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Chapter 24: The Rising of The Morning Star


For hours, Tabitha had been sifting through the box of case notes and files that Casey had kept in his safe and that she had moved to her own safe upon his death. The pages and folders were presently littered seemingly haphazardly on the floor around her, hardly an inch of floor uncovered by the pages she'd been pouring over, looking for some kind of clue—or maybe more appropriately, a needle. A needle that might stand out in a stack of normal looking needles.

One group of stapled pages suddenly caught her eyes. They were peeking out from inside one of the official FBI folders Casey had stolen, but the folder hadn't been what caught her attention. Casey's handwritten notes in the margins of the page peeking out drew her in.

She flipped the folder open and began reading Casey's notes. Most of the official report she had already seen and read when they'd been working the case, but her partner's notes weren't something she'd seen. As she flipped to another page, a loose picture fluttered out. The color image held her eyes. It was a close-up of a yellow powder on white linoleum floor tiles. Turning the picture over, she saw more of her partner's familiar neat scrawl.

Yellow powder found to be sulfur. Sulfur in a pediatric ward? Why? How could it have gotten there?

The stapled pages of computer printed documents and reports with his notes in the margins held her utter attention now. She hadn't seen the evidence photo with the sulfur before—didn't even remember it coming up in the case, and she would have remembered sulfur.

She finally flipped the stapled papers over at the last page, finding it full of Casey's handwriting, his notes taking on an almost journal like quality as he questioned himself and what to do.

Nothing about this case is adding up. Children disappearing from pediatric wards. Sometimes taken by nurses who've been trustworthy employees for years, sometimes taken with no trace of how. And the sulfur? How do I explain that? Or the missing children we have managed to find. Upon further examination, I was able to find traces of sulfur on all of the children. The bodies all looked like they'd been gnawed on, and all exsanguinated. Why steal children from pediatric wards only to drain them of their blood? Some kind of ritual? Something occult?

None of this seems…normal…human. Could something be doing this? Wish I could tell Tab, but how can I? She'll think I'm crazy if I tell her I seriously suspect something was responsible for the deaths of all those children.

Tabitha felt tears of guilt gather as she read his notes. He'd started to suspect what was really out there, but had been afraid to come to her about it—even though she could have told him everything. Guilt nagged her more as she realized how much she'd missed on that case. She should have seen the same signs her partner had. Maybe then he'd still be alive.

One last piece of paper caught her eye, an employee record printout from the last hospital where babies had gone missing. There was a post-it note stuck to it with a place and time and a note that the nurse had been working in the hospital during all the times babies had gone missing. The place and time appeared to be Casey arranging to meet the woman, probably to confront her. It was the very same day that she remembered her partner had begun to act…strangely when he'd come by her place for the evening.

She grabbed the employee record and turned to her laptop, thankful now that Shawn had shown her how to use a backdoor access into the FBI database as she used it to search for the nurse. It was a long shot, but if the nurse had been possessed then, chances were decent that the demon might still be using her. Demons did grow fond of a meatsuit once they got in one. And they tended to stay until they'd used them up.

So Fell the Angels - Supernatural Fanfic/Fanfiction (Castiel Fan Fiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें