The sound of the others' horses coming back made me look up. Y/n led the others towards me. "Come on, Ed!"

"Just catching my breath, love." I smiled.

"Well, that's all we'll catch at this rate." Susan stopped next to Y/n, her gold and purple cape following her gracefully.

"What did he say again, Susan?" Lucy chuckled and rode up next to our older sister.

"You girls wait in the castle, I'll get the stag myself." She lowered her voice to imitate me.

They all laughed and I couldn't help but smile. The laughter stopped though when Elaine pointed at something to my right. "What's that?"

We all looked up at where she pointed. A strange pole stood there, it's top glowing with candlelight. Its entire base was covered in ivy and it looked like it hadn't been cared for in years. Though somehow, it seemed familiar. Everyone climbed down from their horses, Y/n helped Elaine down before we gathered in front of the pole, the White Stag long forgotten.

"It seems familiar." Peter stared up at it.

"As if from a dream." Y/n mumbled. Her eyes looked like she was trying to remember a distant memory.

"Or a dream of a dream," Lucy whispered and walked closer to the pole. Realization struck her and she looked around wildly. "Spare Oom."

She then proceeded to turn and walk into the forest. The five of us quickly followed her.

"Lucy!" Peter called.

Susan groaned, "Not again."

I walked behind Y/n and scooped Elaine up so that she wouldn't trip on the roots that grew thicker the further we walked into the trees.

Peter tried to catch up to Lucy, "Lu?"

"Come on!" She beckoned us further.

The farther we walked, the denser the branches got. Y/n's dress already got snagged on a couple. Up ahead, Lucy slowed down and we nearly bumped into each other. The branches had turned into big furry things and were much harder to walk through. Suddenly everything got cramped.

"These aren't branches," Peter poked at one of the furry things hanging next to him.

As we kept shuffling forward, someone stepped on my toe. "Ow!"

Susan stopped and looked at one of the fur things. "They're coats."

Someone stepped on my foot again, this time I knew who it was. "Y/n, you're on my foot!"

"No, I'm not!"

At the same time, Lucy cried out. "Peter, move off!"

Elaine giggled at the commotion just as Peter shouted. "Stop shoving."

More shoving resulted in someone almost elbowing Elaine, but it was too dark to tell who. "Stop it!"

"I'm not on your toe!"

Something opened and I fell through, landing on top of Y/n and Lucy. Peter and Susan grunted as they fell to the floor behind us.

My mind reeled. The floor was made of wooden planks. There should not be wooden planks in the forest. I was suddenly aware that my clothes had changed to a brown sweater and khaki shorts. I felt small and fragile, and when I saw my hands I realized I looked it too. I looked younger.

"What the...?"

Y/n sat up and looked around. She looked exactly how she looked fifteen years ago when we first came to Narnia. That one thought brought so many others along with it. I suddenly remembered my life before Narnia, my mum, my dad, the war, and how I met Y/n.

Her wide eyes met mine. "Elaine." She whispered.

I quickly sat up and looked underneath my stomach. There, curled up in my arms was Elaine. She hadn't changed a bit, but she looked absolutely terrified. Before I could comfort her, loud footsteps brought my attention to the door opposite of the wardrobe we fell out of. The door handle turned and in walked someone I had completely forgotten about until a couple of seconds ago.

"Oh!" Professor Kirke exclaimed when he saw the five of us on the floor. I made sure to cover Elaine. "There you are."

He walked towards us, tossing and catching a ball in his hands. "What were you all doing in the wardrobe?"

"You wouldn't believe us if we told you, sir." Peter chuckled.

The professor tossed the ball to him and grinned. "Try me."

Just after he said that Elaine scrambled out from underneath me, seemingly recovered from her initial shock. She stumbled towards the old man and away from us. She didn't recognize us. My own daughter didn't recognize me. That hurt.

"And who's this?!" Professor Kirke exclaimed when Elaine latched onto his leg.

Y/n scrambled up and faced the four-year-old girl. "Elaine, it's me, Mum." She said softly.

"Mum?!" The professor cried and turned to the small girl. "Just how long were you in there?"

I ignored the old man and got on my knees next to Y/n. "It's us, dear."

Elaine let go of the man's leg and inched closer to us, inspecting our faces. She stared into my eyes for a while, looking for any hint of the father she knew. She then did the same to Y/n. After a short moment she resorted to looking at the hands we held out her. Stepping forward, she cautiously grabbed my left hand and turned it, showing the top of my hand to her. Her eyes widened when she saw my ring.

Hurrying over to Y/n, she did the same and smiled when she saw the diamond ring on her finger. "Mum, Dad!"

I laughed and hugged her, planting a kiss on her hair. "Thank Aslan."

"Aslan?" The professor's voice startled me a little. "So you were in Narnia."

"Wait, you know about Narnia?" Susan stood.

The rest of us stood as well, staring at the professor. Elaine sat on Y/n's hip and furrowed her brows at the old man.

"Ah, yes. A long while ago, longer than I care to mention, I ventured to Narnia."

"You did?" Lucy gaped. "That's why you believed me when I said I saw a forest in the wardrobe!"

"Indeed, dear one. Although, I have the sense no one has called you that in a long while."

"No," She giggled. "Not for at least ten years."

"Ten years?" He cried and turned to Peter. "How long were you in Narnia?"

"Fifteen years, sir."

"My God, fifteen years? Why, I was only there for a few days! What did you do that kept you for so long?"

Susan smiled, "It's a bit of a long story."

The professor smiled and sat down on the wood floor in front of us. He motioned for all of us to get comfortable. As I sat next to Y/n and Elaine, the professor glared at me. "And I hope your story involves an explanation of you and my granddaughter."

"Grandfather!" Y/n groaned.

I nervously chuckled, "Yes, sir."

-The second chapter of the day haha. I know it's a weird ending but I couldn't think of another way to do it. There will be one more chapter after this and then it will go onto the second book! I'm so excited hehe. Also, in most of the other Narnia fanfiction I've read, the reader comes with the Pevensies to boarding school and comes to Narnia with them at the train station. I wanted it to be a bit different to give the story more of a twist so be ready for that! I hoped you liked it and thank you for reading!-


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