Chore Day in Cair Paravel

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(Image not mine)

(One Year Later)


Today was the first day of the month, meaning I had the day off. Which is why I was quite annoyed when Susan came barging into my room before dawn with a sleepy Lucy trailing behind her.

"Rise and shine, Y/n," she flung the covers off of me, "We've got a busy day ahead of us."

"How dare you," I grumbled and shoved my head under my pillow.

"Susan's making us clean," Lucy slumped over to the side of my bed, holding a shawl around her. "All of Cair Paravel."

"Excuse me?" I peeked out at Susan, "We're doing what?"

"Cleaning," She put her hands on her hips and I noticed she was wearing pants and a blouse for the first time in years. "Get dressed quickly and meet me in the throne room, I'll go get the boys."

She flew out of the room, her shoes clicking against the stone floor. I pulled myself up and into a sitting position and looked at Lucy with tired eyes.

She chuckled, "I'll grab you some clothes, you handle that mess on top of your head."

"Thanks, Lu," I yawned.


"Susan, I don't think this is necessary." Peter stumbled into the throne room after Edmund, wearing a blanket as a cape.

"It surely is." She stood in front of the five thrones and gave us a determined look, "Never once have any of you done any chores in our four years here in Narnia."

Four years? Already?

"We all strive to be understanding rulers, right? And to do that we need to do things that royalty wouldn't normally do."

"Like cleaning the entire palace?" Edmund questioned.

"Grand idea, Ed." She beamed, "As such, I have prepared each of you a list of chores to finish by the end of the day."

Susan retrieved four scrolls of paper from her throne and tossed one to each of us. I caught mine and immediately groaned. This thing was long and I didn't look forward to opening it.

"Go on," She urged.

Reluctantly, we opened our scrolls and looked down at the long list of chores that each of us had to do. Get rid of cobwebs in the throne room? Polish the grand table? Trim terrace bushes? The list when on and on.

"Clean the stained glass window?!" Lucy cried, "I can't do that on my own."

"That's why a few others will help you when needed." She gestured to the line of Narnians that had noiselessly come up behind us. "But I told them not to assist you when you can do it on your own."

"Where are your chores?" Peter cried.

"Here," She held up her scroll that was hidden behind her back. "Now get going."



Never try scrubbing the floors of the hall with your feet, it doesn't end well. I thought that I could tie the brushes to my feet and glide around the soapy floor like I would when ice skating, but it's a lot harder to stop. This resulted in me flying around the palace in a bubbly mess, trying to avoid any people in the halls, and barreling into the throne room once again.

"Ed, what are you doing?!" I looked up to see Y/n on a tall ladder, cleaning out the cobwebs on the ceiling.

Instead of answering I just continued to scream and skate uncontrollably towards her.

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