Hide and Seek

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(Image not mine)


After the girl, Y/n I think her name was, left to go to her own room I turned on the radio in the corner of the large bedroom. Lately, I've been obsessed with listening in on the broadcasts that were my only way of knowing what was happening back home. My ears were constantly listening for the horrible news that our neighborhood had been bombed to smithereens, and that our mother might have been hurt. I was snapped out of my daze when the radio was silenced suddenly and turned to see Susan glaring at me disapprovingly before jerking her head towards a sniffling Lucy. Sliding off of my perch by the window, I made my way over to the bed Lucy was in.

"The sheets feel scratchy." she lied, trying to hide her sniffs. Susan and I sat down at the foot of her bed.

"Wars don't last forever, Lucy. We'll be home soon." the older girl attempted to reassure her.

"Yeah, if home's still there." Edmund interrupted in a very unhelpful manner as he walked towards the bed.

Susan sighed in annoyance, "Isn't it time you were in bed?"

"Yes, mum."

"Ed!" I scolded.

Returning my attention to Lucy after Edmund looked away, I tried to distract her with something else. "You saw outside. This place is huge. We can do whatever we want here. I'm sure Y/n knows some fun things to do. Tomorrow's going to be great."

She looked at me unconvinced.

"Really," I reassured once more.

__________________________________TIME SKIP_____________________________________


The Pevensies invited me to hang out with them as they tried to pass time, but I guess they relied on the chance that I would know something fun to do in the house of "NO TOUCH!". Most of the three days I've spent here were made up of reading or drawing since those activities did not require more than one person. So now we were lounging around a random room.

"Gastrovascular. Come on, Peter. Gastrovascular."

My body was sprawled across an armchair that Edmund was under, both of us extremely bored with the "game" Susan had come up with. Lucy was staring out a window and Peter was attempting to humor Susan by playing the game.

"Is it Latin?"


"Is it Latin for "Worst game ever invented"?" Edmund interrupted, getting out from under the chair. I snorted and Peter smirked at Susan who slammed her book shut.

"We could play hide and seek!" Lucy suggested.

"That's a great idea!" I yelped getting out of my chair, "This old house has plenty of hiding spots!"

"But we're already having so much fun," Peter teased.

"Come on, Peter, please." Lucy and I said in unison. I grinned at her. "Pretty please?"

He sighed, "One, two, three, four..."

"What?" Edmund groaned, getting up from the floor.

Lucy quickly grabbed my hand and pulled me with her to find a place to hide. "...five, six, seven, eight..."

We ran up and down three flights of stairs, looking for a hiding spot. I ran a little bit ahead of her to lead around the house but turned around when I heard Edmund.

"I was here first!"

Lucy puffed her cheeks in annoyance, "Come on, Lucy! We can find a spot down the hall!" I ran back and grabbed her hand to pull her along.

We ran down the hall trying desperately to open many doors, but they were all locked, that is until Lucy finally opened one. She ran inside first and I peered in after her.

All I could see was a large drape-like covering at the end of the room on top of a large piece of furniture. There was no way we could both hide in here without getting caught easily.

"I'll find another hiding spot, you hide here!" I said as I scurried out the door and around the corner. Turns out all of the other rooms were locked so I had to go back down the hall.

"...92, 93, 94, 95..."

I started to panic, I couldn't find a single hiding spot! I whirled around in a final attempt and saw some curtains in the corner. Without thinking, I hurled myself into them and immediately toppled onto someone.

"Ouch!" I heard a muffled cry. Edmund.

"Oh! Sorry!" I apologized, untangling my legs from his.

"Shh! You're gonna get us caught!" he hissed, gently moving away from me.

But just when Peter reached 100, I heard Lucy run out of the hallway calling out, "It's all right! I'm back! I'm all right!"


Y/n nearly scared me to death when she came barreling into my hiding spot. My ribs still hurt from her falling on me so suddenly. I only let her stay in here purely because there was no time left for her to hide somewhere else, definitely not because her hair smelled really good as it was pressed against my nose. I didn't know someone's hair could even smell like that, it was kind of odd.

I was snapped out of my daze when I heard Y/n mutter, "What is she doing?"

"What?" I focused on listening past the curtains. I could hear Lucy yelling that she was back and all right while running down the hall. "What on earth..."

I poked my head out of the curtains, "Shut up! He's coming!"

I looked to my left and saw Y/n also poking her head out of the curtains, "Shh!" she scolded Lucy.

But it was too late, Peter had just rounded the corner and was staring at us in confusion. "You know, I'm not sure you three have quite got the idea of this game."

Y/n and I emerged from the curtain, staring at Lucy.

"Weren't you wondering where I was?" She questioned, looking equally confused.

This was unbelievable, how could she not know how to play hide and seek?! "That's the point. That was why he was seeking you."

We turned to see Susan running up the stairs, "Does this mean I win?" she asked.

"I don't think Lucy wants to play anymore,"

"I've been gone for hours..."

We all turned to her, then Y/n said what we were all thinking, "Hours? I saw you only a couple of seconds ago!"

What is going on?!

-Ok! The second chapter is up! This one is a bit longer but I finally got to write in Edmund's POV so it was worth it. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and sorry for any grammar/spelling errors!-


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