Father Christmas

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(Image not mine)


Winter is starting to get on my nerves. When I first came here I thought the snow was incredibly beautiful, now I miss all of the colors and warmth. Although at this very moment I am thankful for the freezing weather since it has frozen the lake we are walking on. Otherwise, we would have to take a long detour, not that this route isn't long. I looked over my shoulder to see how far across the lake we had traveled and was quickly disappointed. It felt like we had walked for hours but we were only three-quarters of the way across. I groaned and kept walking, watching the backs for Susan and the Beavers in front of me.

"Come on, humans!" Mr. Beaver waved his arm, "While we're still young."

Susan turned around and chuckled at my tired state, "If he tells us to hurry one more time," I warned, "I'm going to turn him into a big, fluffy hat."

Peter laughed beside me as he hoisted Lucy up onto his back.

On cue, Beaver yelled back to us, "Hurry up! Come on!"

"He is getting a little bossy," Lucy smiled.

"Ah!" Mrs. Beaver's scream pierced through our laughter, "Behind you! It's her!"

I whirled around to see a sleigh pulled by reindeer coming straight for us. "Run!" I yelled.

Peter dropped Lucy onto the ice and pulled her by the hand after Susan and I. Ahead of us, the Beavers were sprinting on all fours towards the forest at the edge of the lake. My feet pounded against the ice and I tried my best not to slip with every step while also looking over my shoulder to make sure my friends were following. Lucy and Peter were in the back, their coats swinging wildly as they ran. Susan was right on my tail and seemed to be doing a much better job at not slipping. I looked past them at the sleigh quickly gaining on us, it's bells jingling loudly with every step the reindeers took.

"Hurry!" I yelled over the wind as we got to the edge of the forest.

The Beavers led us a couple of feet further before diving into a cave hidden under a ledge, completely out of view of the Witch. The sound of bells and hooves were right behind us now. "Inside!" Mr. Beaver hissed.

Susan jumped off the ledge and into the cave and I quickly copied her. "Dive! Dive!" I heard Mr. Beaver yell at Peter and Lucy and they scrambled in a moment later, immediately followed by the Beavers. We pressed ourselves as close to the wall as we could and held our breath, listening to the sleigh skid to a stop and heavy footsteps step onto the snow. My heart was beating so fast my body was shaking. If the Witch caught us now we wouldn't be able to save Edmund. I fidgeted with the pipes hanging around my neck, maybe I could buy the others some time if I distracted her with my magic. Though, I have no idea how to use my magic offensively so it probably won't buy much time at all.

After a minute of silence, a large shadow appeared on the snow in front of us. It looked like the silhouette of a large man. Odd, I don't remember any humans with the Witch. Just as quickly as it appeared, it stalked away and it was silent once again.

"Maybe she's gone," Lucy whispered.

"I suppose I'll go look," Peter said and shifted next to me to stand up.

"No!" Mr. Beaver whispered, "You're worth nothing to Narnia dead." He looked up at the ledge.

"Well, neither are you, Beaver." Mrs. Beaver begged.

Mr. Beaver just smiled and took her paw, "Thanks, sweetheart."

I watched him carefully climb up the side of the ledge and out of sight. My ears strained for any sound to alert me that he needed help. Soft rusting was heard before footsteps began to make their way over to the ledge. Panicked breathing was all I could hear from the others. I watched the top of the cave, waiting for some beast to jump down and kill us.

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