Why, Edmund?

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(Image not mine)


Mr. Tumnus made excellent tea, and I don't even like tea! As we drank he told us the stories of Narnia and of the White Witch that had taken over the land and named herself Queen, just like Lucy said. And just like Lucy said, he had the goat legs of a faun and the top half of a human. I had only read about such creatures in fantasy books so it was a bit odd to see a faun in real life, it made me wonder what other mythical creatures were real.

I set down my teacup, "Mr. Tumnus, are there other mythical creatures like centaurs and minotaurs in Narnia?"

"Mythical? Oh, they are very much real my dear Y/n. Centaurs, minotaurs, griffins, cyclopes, talking animals, and anything else are the norm here. If anything your species is mythical to us!" He grinned at me from his little red chair.

Lucy laughed, "I even saw some books on his shelf about humans being myths."

Mr. Tumnus chuckled and refilled our cups. "Now tell me if I'm wrong Y/n, but you are not Lucy's sister?"

"Nope. That would be Susan, I'm just living with them right now."

He paused for a moment, looking at me in slight awe. I don't know what I said to make him act like that but I didn't question him. He just stared at my eyes as if looking for something in them.

"I can actually see it," he mumbled under his breath.


"Oh, nothing." He turned to the fire, then to a pair of Pan's Pipes on the mantle. Grinning at Lucy he said, "Would you two care to hear a Narnian song? Not the one I played earlier of course,"

I turned to Lucy in confusion, but she seemed to understand and nodded eagerly. Mr. Tumnus picked up the pipes and brought them to his lips. As he began to play, I decided that all of the music I've heard before this was absolute garbage. Narnian pipe music was so magical is told stories with no words and made you want to sing and dance along to it. Clearly Lucy felt the same as she started bouncing in her seat, and I joined her lead. Pretty soon we were all bouncing around the room to the wonderful music.

As the song ended I turned to Mr. Tumnus, "That was absolutely wonderful!"

"Thank you very much, but I'm afraid that's all we have time for today. You two best be getting back."

We both whined but agreed, we needed to sleep at some point tonight. So we put our boots back on, said our goodbyes, and began our trek back to the wardrobe. We had only made it halfway when we ran into someone we did not expect to see in Narnia, Edmund.


There he was, just standing there dazed.

"Edmund?" I heard Y/n say.

"Oh, Edmund!" I ran to him, happy that he was here in Narnia. "You got in too!"

We both ran to him, Y/n stopping short and grinning at him while I jumped up to hug him. "Isn't it wonderful?"

"You got into Narnia too?" I heard Y/n ask him from behind me. I let go of him and stepped back, curious as too how he got in as well.

"Well yeah, I was following you two but when I got here I couldn't find either of you." He looked between us, "Where have you two been?"

Y/n answered before I could, "With Mr. Tumnus. Thank goodness he's alright."

"Right! And the White Witch hasn't found out anything about him meeting me." I exclaimed.

"The White Witch?"

Y/n and I inched closer, wary of the trees listening to every word. "She calls herself the Queen of Narnia, but she really isn't."

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