Meeting the Pevensies

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(Image not mine)


I can hear the rumbling of the wagon as it rolls quickly across the gravel and grass towards the house. Setting my book aside, I peer through the sheer drapes that cover the window in the library, trying to get a glimpse of the mysterious children my grandfather told me would be arriving. Only being able to see the back of their heads I couldn't accurately guess their ages, but could easily make out two boys and two girls. 

Mrs. Macready swiveled her head to the window when she saw my small movements and gave me a pointed look as if telepathically scolding me for my poor manners. I frown a little as she jerks her head and motions for me to come out and greet the newcomers. Getting out of this comfy armchair is the last thing I want to do right now but I don't really feel like facing her wrath today so I get up and walk to the door. 

Just outside the front door, the clamoring of trunks and voices can be heard as the children climb the steps behind Mrs. Macready. Realizing that the harsh woman would further scold me if I didn't open the door for them, I quickly swung the massive wooden thing open.

"Welcome back," I say, stepping aside to allow Mrs. Macready into the home.

She ignores me, "Come, children."

The four newcomers enter slowly, taking in their new surroundings in awe. The first one I see is is a relatively tall blonde boy, obviously a couple of years older than me and seemed to be carrying the responsibility of caring for his siblings, given his demeanor. I smile in greeting and he nods back.

The second sibling is a beautiful girl with long brown hair and blue eyes, she too looks older. I recognize the look in her eyes; she constantly craves knowledge, something she has in common with my grandfather. After giving her a small smile she returns it and quickly goes back to taking in the room.

The third sibling is the second boy, though this one has dark brown hair and is younger than the first, probably my age. From the way he holds himself I immediately peg him as the troublemaker of the group. Though when I smiled and nodded in greeting, he returned the action and effectively confused me. I decided he was kind at heart but a little rough around the edges.

Finally, the youngest sibling stepped past the threshold with a curious look in her eyes. She looked no older than eleven and seemed to have a very childish and innocent demeanor. I liked her immediately and decided that she would make for an interesting companion. Smiling comfortingly at her I offered my hand out to take one of the trunks she was carrying. Her eyes shown as they looked up to meet mine in thanks.

"I'm Y/n," I whispered to her, trying not to interrupt Mrs. Macready's intimidating welcome speech.

"I'm Lucy," she giggled, matching her volume to mine.

"-and NO touching of the historical artifacts!" the woman's screech interrupted as the second eldest sibling reached for a statue. The poor girl took a step back from the statue and glanced nervously at the older woman, who glared at her before continuing her speech.

As I followed the rest of the siblings up the stairs I leaned in and whispered to the still shocked girl, "Sorry about Mrs. Macready, she can be a little harsh. I still don't like her."

The girl grinned, "I don't believe I will ever enjoy her company either. I'm Susan by the way."

"I'm Y/n, nice to meet you." I grinned back at her.


Y/n was obviously a kind person, I could just tell from her smile and the way she looked at people. She radiated warmth and made you feel at ease with a smile in your direction. Her gaze was curious as it swept over my siblings and me, taking in every detail and analyzing our behavior. I realized I was doing the same, watching the girl's every movement, trying to get a clue as to who she was.

"And above all, there shall be no disturbin' of the professor." Mrs. Macready's warning interrupted my thoughts as she pointed to the dark door behind her.

A mysterious man our host was. Though I respect the need to be left in peace when studying, so I try my best to push away any questions about him and proceed to follow the stern woman up the next flight of stairs. After showing us to our room, Mrs. Macready left us to entertain ourselves and I took this as an opportunity to get to know Y/n a bit better.

"Do you live here Y/n?" I questioned as the five of us dropped our trunks on the four beds. Peter and Edmund looked at me confused and I realized they didn't know her name yet.

"I do, for now. This is my grandfather's house. I'm staying here during the war just like you guys," she explained, helping Lucy unpack her things.

"Have you been here long already?"

"Not really. I arrived only three days ago,"

I nodded in understanding. She was in the same boat as us, except for she was actually related to the mysterious professor. I watched as Y/n left Lucy's side and made her way over to the two boys, hand extended to shake theirs.

"My name's Y/n," she said before she shook both of their hands.



"It's nice to meet you guys, I'll finally have company in this old house. I'll let you get settled in, but if there's anything you need feel free to ask! My room is at the end of the hall." she grinned one last time then left the room, her h/c hair flowing behind her.

-The first chapter is done! I hope you like it so far, I'm trying to get in a lot of detail from the movie. I know it sounds kind of stiff and formal right now, but this is before Y/n warms up to the others. Also sorry for any grammar/spelling errors lol!-


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