Back In Narnia

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(Image not mine)


The morning after the whole 'late-night Narnia adventures' fiasco, Peter suggested we go play outside in the yard since it had stopped raining. The only game we could play was cricket because the only sports equipment my grandfather had in the entire house was for cricket. I myself didn't really enjoy playing so I decided to sit under a tree and read with Lucy. Susan and Peter though were dedicated to the game, but Edmund seemed to be in his own world.

"Peter winds up, poised to take yet another wicket!" Peter's commentary echoed across the yard, still failing to shake Edmund out of his own world.

He threw the ball towards Edmund, Susan behind him ready to catch the ball, but there was no need to as it hit Edmund's side and bounced away.


"Whoops! Wake up Dolly Daydream."

Edmund watched as Peter caught the ball Susan threw to him, "Why can't we play hide and seek again?"

Lucy looked up and glared at him. She was clearly still bitter that he lied about being in Narnia and made her look crazy all over again. I was too, but I knew that he had some sort of reason, Lucy didn't know that. For all she knew he was just picking on her.

"I thought you said it was a kid's game."

"Besides," Susan said. "We could all use the fresh air."

I rolled my eyes at this. That was something my parents always said that made no sense to me. "It's not like there isn't air inside." Edmund and I said in unison.

I looked up in surprise and met his eyes, seeing he was a little surprised too. He quickly brushed it off and turned to Peter.

"Are you ready?" Peter mocked.

"Are you?" Edmund challenged.

The older boy threw the ball towards Edmund, a little too low towards the ground in my opinion, and Edmund struck it with his bat. The ball went flying in the direction of the house and crashed through one of the windows.

Lucy and I were grinning, shocked at what just happened. The others looked panicked and rushed into the house, Lucy and I getting up and following behind them. When we reached the room on the second floor that the ball had crashed into we saw the mess it had made. A suit of armor was knocked over, there were shards of glass on the floor, and the ball was innocently rolling across the carpet.

"Well done, Ed." Peter scolded.

"You bowled it!"

A sudden shout made us all turn towards the door. "What on earth is goin' on?!"

"The Macready!" Susan shouted.

"Come on!" I yelled and ushered them to follow me out the door on the other side of the room.

We ran down the hall and through another room but I stopped when I heard footsteps nearing. "No, back, back, back!" I pushed them back the way we came and down the hall. We ran up a few stairs to a closed door and Susan pressed her ear against it. More footsteps were coming from the other side. She turned to the rest of us in confusion before we retraced our steps again, this time heading down the hall that I tried to find a hiding spot in just the other day. Trying the first door, we quickly discovered it was locked and hurried onto the next door, which thankfully we were able to open.

I shut the door behind us and turned around, realizing where we were. Edmund kept running to the back of the room and swung open the wardrobe door.

"Come on!" He gestured inside.

Susan glared at him, "You've got to be joking."

Loud footsteps outside of the door eliminated any other hiding options, so the rest of us sprinted after Edmund and crammed into the wardrobe. Peter slowly and carefully closed the door and peeked through the small crack between the wood.

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