Midnight Orchid

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(Image not mine)

(One Year Later)

Peter is 25, Susan is 24, Edmund and Y/n are 22, Lucy is 18. (Seven years in Narnia)


"I don't know guys, this place is weird," Lucy muttered from behind me.

I couldn't say I wasn't a little creeped out by this village, there wasn't a single living being. We had decided to come to check on this village when they hadn't responded to any of our letters for weeks but now I was regretting not sending messengers instead.

"I'm sure it's fine, Lucy," Susan whispered. She didn't sound very confident.

My horse grew skittish as we passed the entrance to the village and even I could feel that something was wrong. I held up my hand to stop the other four then hopped off my horse. Before I could grab his reins to tie him to a nearby tree, he and the other horses took off back down the road we came from.

"Hey!" Edmund tried to run after them but it was no use, they were some of the fastest horses in Narnia.

"Come on," I sighed, "Let's see what's going on."

"Do we have to?" Y/n walked behind Edmund, swiveling her head around as we walked further into the village. "I don't like this. It feels... heavy."

"Heavy?" Edmund questioned, his sword raised. "Heavy how?"

"I don't know, it's something powerful, but not necessarily evil. It's like a really heavy and warm blanket."

"He could sure use a blanket right about now." I heard Susan say.

I turned to my left to see Susan standing above a faun slumped against the wall of a building, visibly shivering. Lucy ran forward and unscrewed her flask, holding it to the faun's mouth.

"Wait," Y/n stopped Lucy before any liquid could fall into his mouth. "He's not hurt. Just sleeping."

Sure enough, upon closer inspection, there were no wounds at all. Lucy shook his shoulders, but he wouldn't stir. She took off her cloak and laid it across him before standing up.

"You don't think this happened to the rest of the village, do you?" She walked back over to the rest of us.

"Seems likely." Susan peered into the darkness. "Let's see."

We walked further into the town, weapons brandished. All along the street, tons of Narnians were sleeping as if they fell asleep while they were walking. Just seeing them made me feel a little sleepy. Then again, it was already well into the night. I turned around to face the others.

"We won't be able to figure out anything in the dead of night. Let's camp outside the village, I don't feel comfortable sleeping in here."

Y/n nodded vigorously, "Yes please."



Lucy shook me awake and I grabbed my sword without thinking, fearing that we were under attack. But no one else was in sight, all I saw was Y/n and Edmund huddled around something and Lucy's worried expression. It was barely sunrise.

"Susan won't wake up!" Lucy cried.

"What?" I scrambled out from under my blanket and over to Susan.

Y/n moved out of the way so that I could get a look at her. Susan's face was oddly peaceful, her breathing slow and calm, not at all bothered by our shouting. I knew shaking her wouldn't do any good, she was affected by the same thing as the village. I gripped my sword tighter and stood up, walking quickly towards the village.

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